Parenting & Family

Checklist for Daycare Centers

Use this checklist before trusting your child to a Daycare Center. Prepare one checklist each for all daycare centers and then decide upon the best.  

Daycare Name:


Monthly Cost: Infant________  Toddler________ School Age______  

Hour of Operation:_______________________________________

Staff and Policy:    
Is the facility licensed? Yes___ No___
What is the staff/child ratio? _____________
Are parents able to drop in any time? Yes___ No___
Are staff trained in early childhood education? Yes___ No___
Do staff attend training sessions throughout the year? Yes___ No___
Are staff CPR certified? Yes___ No___
Are others, besides staff, allowed on premises? Yes___ No___
Does the facility have a USDA food program? Yes___ No___
Is there a childcare policy handbook or packet you can take with you? ( This should outline sick child policies/procedures, late fees, etc.) Yes___ No___

Tour the Building:

Are the electrical outlets covered? Yes___ No___
Are electrical cords out of reach? Yes___ No___
Are the smoke detectors operational? Yes___ No___
Are there fire extinguishers in each room? Yes___ No___
Are fire escape plans posted? Yes___ No___
Are there safety gates up in appropriate places i.e., the stairs, open doors? Yes___ No___
Are cleaning supplies and dangerous substances locked away? Yes___ No___
Is the outdoor play area fenced? Yes___ No___
Is there soap and paper towels at the children’s sink? Yes___ No___
Is the outdoor play equipment free from rust and protruding objects? Yes___ No___
Is the outdoor play equipment sturdy? Yes___ No___
Are weapons kept on premises? Yes___ No___

Observe the child/worker interaction

Are there separate spaces for the infants and toddlers? Yes___ No___
Are the toys and materials age appropriate for each age group? Yes___ No___
Do the children seemed busy and engaged in their activities? Yes___ No___
Are workers taking care of crying/upset children in a caring and sensitive manner? Yes___ No___
Are the workers handling conflict among the children in a positive manner? Yes___ No___
Do the workers seem patient and receptive to the needs of children? Yes___ No___
Do the workers wash their hands after changing diapers and taking a toddler to the toilet? Yes___ No___
Do the workers have the toddlers wash their hands after using the toilet? Yes___ No___