Parenting & Family

Baby’s Development at the age of Three months

As your baby reaches three months of age, she is full of happening developments that delight you to the core. Her developments comprise of physical, mental, emotional and cognitive abilities that have substantially refined in a short span of three months. Both parietal and temporal lobes of her brain are developing rapidly now, contributing to equally rapid enhancement of brain and skill faculties including superior hand-eye coordination, recognizing objects, hearing, language and smell.

Physical Milestones

As regards physical milestones that may be observed, your three months old baby may now lift her head up for several minutes while lying on her back. When lying on her stomach, she may be able to lift her head and stomach up, as if doing mini-pushups. She may even sit, though with support. While she sits thus, she is able to hold her head stable and upright all the while. By now, your infant has achieved better leg, hand and eye coordination. She can now wave her arms and kick with her legs voluntarily. She can bring both hands together and open her fingers. Now she looks distinctly comfortable while using her hands for grabbing something she sets her eye on.

From this month on, you can expect to sleep throughout night as her sleeping time may start to settle down from here on. She may sleep throughout the night from this age, and wake up only for an occasional feed.

Her Bonding with you

Another crowning glory of this wonderful stepping-stone age is that you feel distinctly acknowledged by your little one as someone special, over and above all others. In other words, whenever your baby hears your voice, she looks directly at you and gives responses like gurgling and smile instantaneously, all amounting to your ready recognition and her keener interest in you. Earlier, her sense of touch and smell used to help her recognize your presence around her. Now you voice, your touch, the smell of your milk and your face are recognized by your baby.

Developing her skills

Three months is the right age to start reading to your baby using varying pitches of your voice, accents, singing and vocalizing. It will help her develop a taste for reading, as well as establish an acoustic connection between you two. Now is the time to stimulate her verbally and engage her with a variety of words and sounds. Especially when research and studies have already established a direct relation between higher intelligence levels and number of words exposed to the child in her first year, it becomes all the more important to ensure that the base of your child is stronger. She may not respond back or show clear interest, yet her rapidly developing memory shall store whatever you tell her.

As your baby’s sense of recognizing objects is enhancing at a fast pace, her sense of touch is also becoming pretty active and powerful. Stimulating her sense of touch shall help you relax her as well as improve her alertness and attention span. You can choose to buy touch and read books for her so as to enhance the reading experience for your young one, or you can simply avail different types of surfaces like fur, paper, different types of clothes et al for your baby to touch and feel enthused.

Reacting to the World around her

Now your baby has also become more receptive to the world around her. When she is held before a looking mirror, she enjoys watching her reflection. She likes to listen to you intently. In fact while breast feeding her, many a time you may notice that she stops suckling and instead starts looking at you with responses like smiling and cooing. She also enjoys her time when you share even the most ordinary household details with her in order to talk.

She also loves social interaction at this stage and generously flash smiles and cooing sound to strangers who try to talk to her. In fact, it is a good idea to avail her as much human interaction, so as to benefit her in the long run. However, you may also notice her becoming choosier as regards the company she wishes to keep.

Here it may also be noted that each child develops at his or her own pace and the stages mentioned above are merely potential developments to expect from your baby. The developments may delay among children but will happen in due time.