Parenting & Family

Baby’s Development at the age of Seven months

As your baby grows up to be seven months old, she can support her weight on her legs and loves to bounce when held for support from arms. She is able to sit without support and can free her hands while sitting so. She can turn in any direction while sitting to reach out for an object in view. Now she can even get back to the sitting position from the lying down position. That is if you leave your darling lying on her stomach, she will conveniently and confidently roll over and restore herself to sitting position in no time at all.

Her motor skills are refining day by day, month by month. Earlier she could grab any object of desire, put edibles in her mouth or pull an object towards her. Now she learns to clasp her hands together, as well as scoop up things using a single hand. She also knows how to pass an object from one of hands to another. You can further encourage refinement of her motor skills and contribute towards a speedier growth by placing a toy just out of her reach. As you do that, watch her trying her best to get it. If she cries out of frustration, it is better to encourage her in a relaxed manner, rather than placing the toy nearer or trying to relieve her. Gradually she will become physically confident of more quick reflexes, as you keep things a little difficult for her. As the saying goes – where there is a will, there is a way – she will eventually learn to lean forward and grab the toy placed just out of her normal reach. Thus she will have to think and apply her ideas to reach her goal. Helping hence, you will set her jumping back and forth on her hands and knees and may be crawl or repeatedly roll over to move about the room. Another thing you must keep in mind is to keep your girl dressed lightly in loose, comfortable clothes.

By the time, your baby turns seven months old; she may start showing teeth that include the two upper central incisors, then the two lateral incisors. Though teething begins in children as early as three months and as late as 12 months, the average age is around 5-6 months.

As your baby is growing up, you often find yourself telling her what not to do and why. Testing authority early in the stage should be better restricted to a simple ‘No’ or a bid to distract her each time. Being disobedient, she is not willfully going against your wishes. She simply cannot remember things for more than a couple of seconds at a time.

This month also sees your baby getting anxious whenever she is away from you. Though she is anxious in the day time too, her concerns will be compounded at bedtime. Whenever she wakes up in the middle of the night, she makes sure you are near by or makes a scene by being vocal about it. This is due to separation anxiety that the baby feels.

A seven month old baby is able to actively recognize different inflections, different tones and may burst into tears if spoken harshly to. She is also beginning to relate objects from one another. This implies that she is able to sort and group toys and blocks by size. She particularly may enjoy a game of peek-a-boo. The game of peek-a-boo helps her understand object permanence. She may enjoy all games where people appear and disappear.

Further your baby may enjoy playing with soft toys, big or small, that will also eventually emerge as her security object. She may gradually make the toy compulsory by her side whenever she needs sense of security. A seven month old likes predictability in games. Accordingly, he can play peek-a-boo or hide and seek or patta cake over and over again and yet not get bored.

If you are not finding one or more traits in your six months old right now, there is little reason to worry. It is a well established medical fact that each baby is unique and meets physical milestones at his or her own pace. The traits mentioned above are only indicative of a standard case. Actually speaking, the developments may take place a couple of months sooner or later.