Parenting & Family

8 Ways Children Can Grow with Tutors

Having a tutor is one of the most helpful ways a child can learn, especially if they are struggling in school. Tutors are individuals who perform one-on-one classes with students who need assistance in completing their schoolwork and answering modules. Tutors can be professional teachers or individuals who are experts in a subject, such as mathematics, science, or literature.

8 Ways Children Can Grow with Tutors

Unlike teachers who handle large groups of children in school every day, tutors may be on call and can be contacted as needed. They provide homework help or assist the child in studying for an exam or getting ready for a new lesson the teacher is about to tackle. Tutors can help children grow in different ways.

Effects of Tutors on Children

  1. The child can experience a unique learning experience

It isn’t easy to concentrate when you’re in a classroom filled with 20 other students who have different attitudes towards and ways of coping with the teacher’s lessons. A child’s capacity to attentively listen may be challenged by the person sitting next to them or behind them, especially if the child’s seatmate wishes to talk instead of listening intently to the teacher. With tutors, there is no need to worry about how a child can concentrate because the tutor will be able to monitor the child’s performance and ability to do so because the student will be the only focus of the tutor and vice versa.

  1. Academic performance is improved

It is easy to doze off during class discussions, especially when the teacher is droning on and on about a topic you’re not interested in. As a result, you miss even the most basic information and will most likely fail to understand what the topic is all about. Thus, when a surprise exam is conducted, you will not be able to write anything on your answer sheet. This problem can be solved with the help of a tutor as the tutor can help you study and better understand the topic by discussing it with you in a more straightforward manner. The idea will not be overly complicated, and the topic will seem to be more precise now.

  1. The child can practice self-paced learning

Although many people say that children with tutors become dependent over time, the effect of having tutors is actually quite the opposite. Tutors don’t spoon-feed children. Instead, they encourage them to study by themselves. During a tutorial session, the tutor asks the student to study and review the lesson that was discussed during the day. The tutor only interferes if tthey find the student is struggling with the topic. Otherwise, if the student is doing well, the tutor can test their understanding by conducting activities and worksheets that the student can practice on. The answers will then be discussed and any confusion or mistakes explained.

  1. The child develops confidence and self-esteem

Since the child now understands the topic discussed in school, they will feel confident in participating in class because of their new mastery. The child will learn to be proud of their achievement and feel a great sense of pride. This makes the child work harder so that they can maintain their class standing.

  1. The child becomes more responsible

Because children feel the need to maintain their class standing, they are pushed to become responsible with their studies. Over time, they will become more studious and interested in learning more so that they can also participate and contribute more ideas during class discussions. The values that a child develops during tutorial sessions will be carried on until they become older.

  1. Children are encouraged to ask questions

The reason why students sometimes don’t understand lessons is because a lot of things are unclear and they’re scared to ask the teacher to clarify the part that needs more in-depth discussion. Sometimes, children are scared of getting frowned upon by their teachers, thinking that they might be distracting the teacher from the discussion. This is actually not the case, and teachers always encourage students to ask questions. Asking questions means the student is actively listening and is being attentive during class discussions. The fear of asking questions can be fixed by tutors. With one-on-one meetings, the child will feel more at ease with the tutor and will develop a friendly relationship, removing the hesitation and shyness when it comes to asking questions.

  1. The child is constantly challenged to do better

Usually, someone who gets a tutor is a person who is struggling in school. The child acknowledges this weakness and challenges themself to do better so that, in time, they will not need supervision anymore. The child must, however, take this challenge positively to avoid falling into the cracks and going back to square one. Thus, it is important that the tutor and parents patiently talk to the child and discuss why one-on-one sessions need to take place.

  1. It prepares the child to take on a new challenge in college

Grade school and high school are two very different things, and the learning pace is quite diverse as well. While high school may become more challenging, college is ten times worse. You will be left to fend for yourself and learn to juggle several things at once. With the guidance of your tutor during your young, formative years, you are slowly being molded to become the model student of the future. This means that when you start studying for college, you are ready and able to manage your time well and ace your exams.

Tutors should not be frowned upon. In fact, one should be proud of having a tutor given the benefits they bring to your life. It’s normal to struggle in school, and it’s not bad to ask for help, especially if you start getting bullied just because you’re slower than others. Thus, when you are having a hard time and require a tutor, remember that your tutor is there to make your life easier and to help make you become a better and more responsible student.