
What are the Effects Of CBD To Animals?

There’s a lot of buzz about the benefits of CBD on humans and animals. CBD (cannabidiol) is a non-psychoactive component of marijuana.

It’s been suspected that CBD may have some beneficial effects on humans and animals, but scientific evidence has only just started surfacing to support the claims. So, the anecdotal shreds of evidence are not yet backed up by science, but still, many people believe that CBD brings benefits to both humans and animals alike.

What are the Effects Of CBD To Animals?

In addition to its potential side effects, here are some benefits of CBD when used on animals.

  1. May Combat Anxiety and Depression

Just like humans, animals also get depressed and anxious. If these linger too long, it can lead to chronic health issues and, in some cases, death, especially if the animal stops eating. If your pet or farm animal is experiencing bouts of anxiety and depression, CBD may help relieve extreme feelings, restoring the health of the animal. This is because CBD products are composed of compounds that can balance the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS).

The ECS is a bodily system that interacts with the brain as well as other parts of the body for appropriate functioning. Particularly, CBD is known to work with the ECS to stimulate the nerves and motor control, helping combat anxiety and depression. It’s believed that the chemicals that produce the anti-depressant properties of CBD are responsible for some of the behavioral improvements in animals suffering from anxiety and depression.

  • Stimulate Appetite

If your pet or farm animals are not eating their meals, it might be nothing out of the ordinary. But the moment this situation’s duration starts extending, something is most likely wrong. Not eating is particularly common with dogs, especially when they’re sad. Fortunately, one of the benefits of CBD for dogs is to stimulate the feeling of hunger, encouraging them to eat.

When your pet takes in CBD, its neurotransmitters transmit nerve signals to the nerve and brain, stimulating your pet’s appetite. Notably, CBD includes compounds such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine that could act as an appetite stimulant. If weakness, dizziness, vomiting, etc. are part of the reasons why your pet lost its appetite, those neurotransmitters may help relieve those symptoms, allowing your pet to regain a healthy appetite. Also, CBD may help your pet recover the energy it lost due to not eating.

  • Has Analgesic Properties

It’s believed that CBD has painkilling properties. This attribute can be traced to its impact in increasing the body’s anandamide level to reduce pain-like sensations. When ingested, CBD has a way of stimulating the body to fight pain sensations. Not only that, it triggers an improvement in the body’s system.

It also helps combats the inflammation that comes with an injury, helping the animal to heal faster and feel lesser pain.

  • May Halt the Growth of Tumor and Lessen the Side-effects of Chemotherapy

Tumors can also grow in animals, and if care is not taken, they may end up being lethal. Up to this point, there’s no known cure for cancer, and treatment generally centers around easing back the development of the tumor while lessening the pain that results from the health condition and the associating treatment, which is chemotherapy.

Using CBD as a supplement may help halt the growth of tumors. But more definitely, it may help relieve the aftermath effect of chemotherapy such as loss of appetite, dizziness, looseness of the bowels, helping your pet feel better.

  • May Control and Combat Seizures and Epilepsy

CBD is believed to have the capacity to help control seizures, quakes, spasms, and fits. Diverse scientific pieces of evidence have demonstrated that CBD may help combat seizures brought about by epilepsy. In fact, some CBD drugs have been approved by the FDA for use alongside other medicines for treating epilepsy.

When combined with THC products, CBD may combat various convulsion and seizure-related conditions. Ongoing research has led to the impression that CBD may be instrumental in reducing the frequency and seriousness of seizures.

  • Promotes Homeostasis

Homeostasis refers to the body being in its best possible condition. Homeostasis ensures your pet’s bodily condition is absolutely balanced, allowing it to function appropriately.

Without this equalization, sickness and diseases would set in.  This is why pet owners and farm caretakers are advised to properly care for their animals to ensure that the animals’ homeostasis remains intact. That’s where CBD comes in.

As mentioned, CBD works alongside the endocannabinoid system to ensure that your animal’s homeostasis remains in place and even improved.

What are the Effects Of CBD To Animals?

Possible Side-effects

A lot of people are still concerned with the safety of using CBD. For the most part, it is similar to all drugs–it also has its own side-effects.

There are a number of side effects that have been reported with the use of CBD. Most of these symptoms aren’t serious or life-threatening, unlike some other medicines, which is one of the reasons why people are more appreciative of CBD.

Some of the most common side effects of giving CBD to animals are drowsiness, headache, lowered blood pressure, and nausea.

  • Dry mouth: It’s believed that CBD can decrease the production of saliva in humans and animals, leaving the surface of your mouth and throat to be dried. You would notice this if your pet or farm animal experiences increased thirst and drink more water than usual.
  • Drowsiness: Drowsiness could occur if an animal is not used to taking CBD. Also, if a high dosage is given to the animal, they could experience drowsiness and light-headedness.
  • Lowered blood pressure: Using high dosages of CBD is known to cause a temporary drop in blood pressure in both humans and animals. Even a minimal dosage can still make your beloved animal feel light-headed for a moment. Still, don’t worry as this feeling won’t linger long.

To minimize any potential side effects on your pet, you should stick to the appropriate dosage.


Although CBD offers a lot of potential benefits to your pets, you should be aware that CBD isn’t a replacement for regular medicines. Besides, you should always consult with your veterinarian before administering CBD products to your pets or farm animals. That being said, the use of CBD on animals is considered relatively safe and effective for alleviating diverse health conditions, illnesses, and diseases as described above.