
Top 6 Foods You May Be Able To Give To Your Dog

Taking care of dogs can improve the quality of your life in many ways. Dogs can boost your immune system so you can easily fend off sickness and become more resistant to allergies. Being a dog owner can also improve your heart health, as well as your mood.

You’ll experience countless health benefits when you decide to become a dog owner, but this responsibility isn’t a walk in the park. As a dog owner, you need to pay attention to the food you give to your fur baby. Feeding your dog with inappropriate foods or diet can increase their risk of acquiring diseases and shorten their lifespan.

Top 6 Foods You May Be Able To Give To Your Dog

Listed below are safe and healthy foods that you can actually give to your dog:

  1. Asparagus

If you’re looking for vegetables that are safe for dogs, asparagus should be on top of your list. This vegetable is packed with several vitamins and minerals, like vitamins C, K, A E, and B6, as well as potassium, folic acid, and selenium. These vitamins and minerals are crucial to support your dog’s immune system function and help maintain the health of their eyesight, bones, and teeth.

Asparagus also has antioxidant properties that can effectively flush out free radicals and toxins from your dog’s bloodstream. Antioxidants can help your dog to function properly even as they age.

Since asparagus stalks are naturally tough, it’s best if you steam and slice them into small portions before giving any to your pet canine. Avoid adding additives to the asparagus, such as oil, butter, and onions, as these can become toxic to your furry friend.

  1. Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is commonly used by humans as a spread in sandwiches, but are you aware that you can also feed this product to your dog?  A lot of dog owners actually feed their pets with peanut butter because it’s a good source of protein and contains niacin, vitamin B, and heart-healthy fat. You can also give peanut butter to your dog whenever they seem lethargic because this food can increase their energy levels.

Depending on your preferences, you can put a scoop of peanut butter to your dog’s toys or put some amount on the walls as you’re bathing them. Licking peanut butter on different surfaces will surely keep your dog entertained and full.

If you’re planning to add peanut butter to your dog’s diet, make sure to look for raw and unsalted varieties. Never feed your dog with peanut butter that is labeled as ‘sugar-free’ because, often, it contains contain artificial sweeteners that can be very deadly to your dog.

  1. Cooked Chicken

It’s common for pet owners to feed their dogs with commercially-produced dog foods. These products are available almost anywhere and contain all the essential vitamins and minerals that your dog needs. However, if you’re planning to provide variety to your fur baby’s diet and not solely give them dog food every single day, feeding them with cooked chicken is actually a great idea. In fact, you can feed your dog with cooked chicken whenever you run out of dog food because this can add spice to their regular meals and provide extra protein to their body.

Moreover, cooked chicken is actually a very healthy food for dogs because this is a great source of protein, which can boost your dog’s energy levels and prevent lethargy. Cooked chicken is also packed with omega-6 fatty acids that can effectively promote healthier coat and skin.

When feeding cooked chicken to your dog, remove the bones as these can splinter and puncture their intestines and stomach. In worse cases, these bones can even cause choking, especially to small or young dogs. If you’re looking for the healthiest choice, feed your dog with lean breast meat and remove any excess skin and fat.

  1. Baby Carrots

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars every month just to ensure that your dog is well-fed. There are cheaper alternatives to store-bought foods that you can give to your furry friend, and baby carrots are one.

Baby carrots are affordable and nutritious snacks that you can give as meals or treats to your dog. This vegetable can support your dog’s dental health, and help them with bowel movement irregularities. Baby carrots contain low calories and fat, making them one of the healthiest and cheapest treats you can give to your fur baby.

When giving baby carrots to your dog, slice them thinly to avoid choking. If you’re looking after puppies, freeze the carrots first as these can help relieve any teething discomfort.

  1. Yogurt

Yogurt is just one of the many human foods that are perfectly safe for dogs. Yogurts contain calcium and protein that can strengthen your dog’s bones and teeth. Yogurts also act as a probiotic that can improve your dog’s digestive system and promote regular bowel movement.

When choosing yogurt for your dog, pay attention to the label of the product. The yogurt you should give to your furry friend should be plain and not flavored, and should not contain any added sweeteners. Some artificial sweeteners, like xylitol, can be very toxic to dogs.

  1. Apples

The maxim that says, “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away,” remains true even for your four-legged friend. Apples provide important vitamins necessary for your dog’s health, such as vitamins A and C. Apples also contain high levels of fiber that can help regulate your dog’s digestion and help relieve allergies.

If you want to include apples in your dog’s diet, make sure to slice the fruit into small portions and remove the seeds. Apple seeds are fatal to dogs because these contain cyanide. Remember to always include the skin when giving apples to your dog because this is where most of the important nutrients are found.

6 Foods To Give To Your Dog

See A Vet 

To ensure that your dog receives adequate and proper nutrition all their life, regularly see their vet. Along with the tips present in this article, a vet will make it very easy for you to determine which foods are good or bad for your furry friend.