Love & Relationships

Truthful Communication – Oprah & Deepak Meditation Challenge Day 17

The teachings focused on improving communication skills on Day 17 of the Oprah & Deepak Meditation Challenge on building and nurturing Miraculous Relationships. Today’s centering thought was: I fearlessly speak my truth with love.

I fearlessly speak my truth with love - Oprah & Deepak Meditation Challenge Day 17

Oprah introduced the lesson with a quote by Virginia Woolf

“If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people.”

There are many things that can stop us from telling the truth – insecurity, the fear of being judged etc. Confidence and courage can come only with truth. The Expression center or the throat chakra is the expression chakra and enhances our ability to speak from our mind. As we communicate authentically, our words are positive, they enrich everyone around us and our relationships grow richer. When the energy in our throat chakra is flowing freely, we’re able to express our truth without worrying about being judged or misunderstood. We’re also able to listen with our heart, truly hearing the messages other people are sending us.

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. – Mother Teresa

Insecurity can lead to an underactive or overactive throat chakra. An underactive throat chakra makes you keep your desires and needs to yourself and not speak as much truth as is necessary. An overactive throat chakra, on the other hand, makes you speak more and listen less. As a result, we may find it difficult to listen with an open heart and an open mind. We need to make efforts towards balancing this chakra. People who find this balance can skilfully communicate their needs. Speaking the truth gives you a deep sense of security within.

Communication Practice

A conscious communication practice rooted in the Buddhist tradition can make it easier for us to communicate better. Before you speak, ask yourself these four questions:

1. Is what I’m about to say kind?

2. It is true?

3. Is it necessary?

4. Does it improve upon the silence?

If you can answer yes to all four questions, then your words will resonate with authenticity and love. Consider posting these four questions somewhere you will see them each day, maybe adding them to the wallpaper on your phone. Each carefully delivered communication will provide you with abundant blessings.


The message rooted in the teachings each day and the extent to which they affect me, determine how easily my meditation flows. If they make me feel uncomfortable I.e. I begin to question my own actions – my meditation suffers. Today’s message gave me a lot of answers, hope and guidance. My mind was  put at ease and meditation was lovely. Our Sanskrit mantra was “Om Ritam Namah”. It translates to – My actions and intentions are supported by cosmic intelligence. For me, it directly related to the fact that my actions of speaking honestly and truthfully will always be in accordance with the laws of nature. If I fearlessly speak the  truth, nature will take care of everything else.
