Love & Relationships

Divorce Is A Reality For So Many Women: Signs Your Marriage Might Ultimately Fail

Divorce statistics mean that there is a great chance divorce is on the horizon for your marriage. There are glaring issues in marriages that cannot be remedied which triggers a divorce. Getting life in order before a divorce is going to be essential for a clean split. Repairing a marriage takes both parties putting in an honest effort. Certain situations cannot be repaired as growing apart over the course of decades does happen. Parents might find that they have nothing in common after their teens move out on their own. Telltale signs that a marriage might fail are listed below, along with options that you have.

Divorce Is A Reality For So Many Women: Signs Your Marriage Might Ultimately Fail

Remember Infidelity Comes In Various Forms

Infidelity is going to be an issue in some marriages leading to divorce. Certain couples can overcome infidelity, while others call it quits after this. Dating apps make it so easy to appear single and meet up with others. You no longer have to meet someone at work or out in the world, which has led to serial cheating. You have to establish boundaries and trust your partner. Infidelity can ruin a marriage as it is not just one lie that is told but a web of lies in most circumstances.

Finding out about infidelity can lead to filing for divorce immediately. Keeping the knowledge of an affair a secret can be very important if you decide that you will not forgive cheating. You do not want a vindictive cheater to drain your joint bank account in one last attempt at control in the marriage. Searching for a top divorce lawyer in your area might be as easy as Googling “Laura Gillis lawyer” if you live in Phoenix. You want experience to represent you in a divorce case that could have a potentially volatile property division.

A Complete Lack Of Intimacy

There are so many people that model their marriages after their parents. The issue with this is that couples stay together for years due to the children in an unhappy marriage. The model that you or your spouse are following could be broken and a terrible example to follow. The length of marriage does not always indicate how happy the marriage is. Intimacy is not only sexual but having meaningful time that you spend together alone. Parents might have trouble finding this time, but it is essential as the kids will one day leave home. You want to nurture your relationship so during this time you are as close as ever with your spouse.


Addiction can impact any couple in some capacity whether a partner, teen or family member is struggling. Marriage to an addict is going to be stressful for so many reasons. Financial issues tend to come with addiction, as work tends to get in the way of an addiction. Certain functioning addicts could have very successful careers they maintain simply to fund their addiction. Substance abuse problems tend to worsen over time and can be far tougher to change. You cannot tolerate addiction with a spouse that is unwilling to get help. You do not want to be dragged down and form an addiction of your own which commonly occurs.

Not Being On The Same Page Financially

Financial problems are the cause of a number of divorces. Stress that is caused by a lack of money or drowning in debt can tear a marriage apart. One party spending wildly while the other is pinching pennies is a recipe for conflict. Expectations need to be set financially, as too many couples live a lifestyle far beyond their income level. Luckily, there are options to make additional income if you simply cannot live on your full-time income. Addiction can also come in the form of spending large amounts of money. Shopping addiction can plummet a couple into debt which ultimately leads to their divorce on account of the issues the debt has caused.

Disputes On Parenting

The unfortunate fact is that not all couples discuss important topics like parenting before getting married. Raising a child in a certain religion has caused conflicts that have led to divorce. Discipline along with expectations should also be set in a manner that values input from both parents. There are going to be uncomfortable conversations you should have before getting married and having children. Divorce is far easier without children, as you likely never have to see your ex again. With children, you will likely have more than your fill of seeing your ex-spouse.

Great marriages do not end in divorce, and a marriage cannot be great by definition if both parties are not happy. Look at marriage as something to work at consistently to strengthen over the years.