Love & Relationships

5 Subtle Signs It’s Time to Breakup

Relationships aren’t rainbows and butterflies every day, and that’s normal. However, if you’ve been browsing Haines for insurance leads, and you cannot stop thinking about how unhappy you’ve been with your partner lately – it may be an indicator a breakup is imminent.

There’s no one-size-fits-all for relationships, so read each of these signs with that in mind. Only you know what is best for you, and if you’re here that most likely means you’ve been experiencing some relationship troubles. We offer up 5 subtle signs it’s time to breakup.

Signs it's time for break up
Photo by Alena Darmel

You Feel Exhausted After Spending Time with Them

While everyday won’t be filled with energy, if you notice that you’re more exhausted after hanging out with your partner it may be a sign you should breakup.

If you feel like you need time to decompress after hanging out with your boyfriend or girlfriend, it may be because your partner requires a certain type of energy that you don’t have in you. They could be psychologically draining if they are constantly negative, and this will have a direct impact on your energy level.

Breakdown in Communication

Communication is key when it comes to a healthy relationship. If you find you and your partner frequently butting heads, it’s clear there’s a communication barrier.

Conflict is natural in any relationship, but if you two never come to a resolution after each argument – chances are there’s a lack of understanding.

Should you or your partner be unwilling to learn how to communicate effectively with the other, this is a bad sign for your relationship. Communication should grow stronger the longer you’re in the relationship – if the opposite is true, it may be time to call it quits.

You’re Not Your Best Self

If you find yourself more irritable and anxious with your partner than before, it may be a sign they bring out the worst in you. (Or at the very least, they don’t bring out the best.) We all have days where we aren’t our best selves, but a relationship should not consistently be the cause of that.

Even if your relationship is not a direct cause of your deflated self, it doesn’t mean that you should continue it. This may indicate that you need to work on yourself before you can be in a happy, fulfilling relationship. A breakup will allow you the space to focus on you and establish more self-love.

The Future is Bleak

Did you used to daydream about all the wonderful potential of you and your significant other? Yet lately those thoughts have died down? You start questioning if this is what you really want. The excitement of possibility has now turned into a startling reality – you can’t see this person as a co-parent or spouse.

If you stop seeing a future with your partner, it may be a sign to breakup.

Trust Your Gut

Our intuitions are an incredible force. Sometimes, you just have a feeling something isn’t right. This rings true in relationships as well. If you feel the relationship is off, and you can’t put a finger on it – it’s probably your gut telling you this isn’t the one for you.

If you experienced some of the other subtle signs along with a bad feeling, your inner wisdom may be trying to tell you something: break it off.