Love & Relationships

41 Questions to Know Your Date Better

Wouldn’t you love to know if he or she is truly ‘The ONE’? Try these questions to get to know your date better.

Relationships are nothing but a set of agreements that you have with each other. In the beginning of a new relationship, you are sure to experience a lot of love and maybe even sexual tension, but as time passes, you will start realizing how important some other things were, that you failed to consider. To ensure a successful relationship, you need to match more than your sexual preferences. A couple should, ideally, have the same principals and similar levels of goals in life. For e.g., if a few months down into your relationship, one partner turns out to be very hard-working, and the other does not get off their ass, tensions are bound to arise.

41 Questions to Know Your Date Better

Questions to Know Each Other Better

A strong foundation for any relationship can be laid by knowing each other well enough. Asking the right questions when you are dating will help you make your decision whether or not, this is the one. Dot Com Women has put together a list of questions that will subtly indicate whether or not your preferences and dislikes in life are similar. The answer to these questions will reveal your date’s lifestyle, their habits, goals, sexual preferences and expectations. You do not want the answer the each one of these to be in agreement with yours, but you will know what to expect from them. You can ask these questions on various dates when meeting in person, or even online, through email, facebook chats, whatsapp or SMS. Not all might be appropriate for a first date. Your level of intimacy will decide when to ask what. The last few, especially, are for when you get to know them fairly well to ask more personal questions. These questions will also help you in keeping the conversation going.

41 Questions to Get to Know Your Date Better

1. Are you a true animal lover or avoid your animals prefer?
2. Do you love summer or winter?
3. Would you rather go on a diet or exercise?
4. Do you prefer luxury hotels or backpacking?
5. Do you like tattoos and piercings? (Skip asking this if the answer is too conspicuous)
6. What are your favorite magazines?
7. What are your favorite books?
8. What is your favorite movie?
9. What music do you listen to a lot lately?
10. What is your favorite alcoholic drink?
11. What is your favorite food?
12. Who is your favorite actor?
13. If you’re full of money would find a suitcase, would you give it back?
14. Are you religious?
15. Do you love gadgets?
16. What is your favorite sport?
17. Do you prefer Entertainment (theatre, concerts, games) or eating out?
18. Are you a morning person?
19. When you think of your ex, what do you think of?
20. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
21. What is your idea of ​​romance?
22. Would you want to live in the city or in the countryside?
23. Does money make you happy?
24. Have you ever done volunteer work?
25. What do you especially during the weekend?
26. If you were stranded on a desert island, what are the five things you should have with you?
27. Would you confront someone or keep it for yourself?
28. Are you addicted to anything?
29. What is last drawn your attention?
30. What is your favorite app?
31. Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
32. What do/did you eat for breakfast?
33. When was the last time you cried?
34. When was the last time you lied about being happy?
35. How often do you shower?
36. What is your meaning of life?
37. When did you lose your virginity?
38. What body part of the opposite sex do you find most attractive?
39. What is the wildest sexual thing you have ever done?
40. Do you watch porn? If yes, where?
41. What are your political views?