Love & Relationships

4 Important Red Flags to Look Out for in a Relationship

Dating should be a fun and exciting experience. Yet, it’s often a confusing time filled with a rush of emotions and thoughts. Because of this, we can sometimes be blinded by toxic behaviors at the start of dating as we’re too infatuated with our new partners to pick up on them. So, before scheduling to move in with them with the help of Black Tie Moving, let’s talk about 4 important red flags to look out for in a relationship.

4 Important Red Flags to Look Out for in a Relationship
Photo by Keira Burton

They Gaslight You

Gaslighting is a term used to describe a person who uses psychological manipulation to make others question their own reality. This is a common tactic used by toxic partners, and it’s often a hallmark trait of people who have narcissistic personality disorder. Unfortunately, gaslighting is sometimes hard to spot. However, it’s not impossible.

If you find your partner says things like, “I never said that” when you know that they did – this is a form of gaslighting. Anytime your partner tries to make you question what you know is true or goes in circles when you confront them with something, it’s a good sign they’re attempting to gaslight you.

They Aren’t Consistent

Consistency is key to feeling safe and secure in a relationship. If your partner is frequently inconsistent, this is a major red flag. While slip-ups happen here and there, a partner who rarely has their actions match their words is something to be cautious of.

There are many reasons a partner may be inconsistent like trying to hide something from you, fool you, or confuse you. Whatever the case may be, you deserve consistency in your relationship, and if your partner can’t or won’t give this to you, it’s time to walk away.

They Never Accept Accountability

It’s never a fun experience to own up to things that you did wrong, but it’s crucial for a healthy relationship. If you’ve noticed that your partner rarely or never accepts accountability for their wrongdoings, this is a definite red flag.

A partner who can’t accept their role in conflict or disagreements is one who will never grow or evolve as a romantic partner. They either lack self-awareness or are more comfortable with deflecting than trying to prevent the conflict or disagreement to occur again.

They Invalidate Your Feelings

Relationships are supposed to make you feel understood and loved. If you have a partner who invalidates or dismisses your feelings completely, you need to run – not walk – the other way. When someone discounts your feelings, this means they don’t have the emotional maturity or respect it takes to be in a healthy relationship.

Your feelings deserve to be validated, no matter what they are. A healthy relationship is built from a deeper understanding and respect of the other person’s needs, and emotion plays a big role in what those needs are. If your partner tells you that you shouldn’t feel a certain way, it’s time to pack your bags and leave.