Home & Garden

You have been cleaning your oven wrong until now

Your oven cooks different meals all the time and after using it for weeks without cleaning, the food spillage coupled with grime piles up to create a thick crust. This is not something you want in your kitchen because it’s unsightly and can smell bad. Usually, many people use the automatic cleaning function, but not all oven appliances come with the feature. Even when the feature is available, auto-cleaning might not remove all the deposits. That is why you need to adopt new cleaning measures as suggested below.

You have been cleaning your oven wrong until now

To get started with the cleaning, here is a list of the things you’ll need:

Materials Needed

  • Water
  • Vinegar
  • Spray bottle
  • Baking soda
  • A small bowl

Directions for Cleaning

To begin, remove the oven racks. Soak these with hot water and vinegar for best results. You could also consider using a dishwasher but before you use this make sure your racks can be placed in the dishwasher. If you’re unsure please check on the product website.

After this put some water in a bowl and mix it with several spoonfuls of baking soda. This should create a paste that you can easily spread on the surfaces of the oven. Make sure you also spread the paste inside the oven and allow it to sit overnight, or for at least 12 hours. Doing this will break down all the particles that have accumulated over the surface including grime and stubborn crust.

The next day, using a wet rag, wipe the baking soda paste off. If you can’t get the baking soda off the surfaces, fill a small spray bottle up with vinegar then spray generously over the affected surfaces. This should help to get rid of everything. If you’ve had to use the spray please wipe down the surfaces once again with a wet rag.

Return the racks and turn the oven on to a low temperature for about 15 minutes to ensure it dries completely. Remember there are many professional companies out there such as Maid2match Perth who offer an oven cleaning service; this will save you a lot of time and agro.

Cleaning the oven window

Finally prepare another baking soda paste and apply directly onto the window. Leave it for about 30 minutes then use a clean rag to wipe it clean. With this procedure, you will be able to remove stubborn stains and any grime that might have accumulated over time. This is the easiest cleaning method that gives you the best results.

Hopefully now you’ll have a clean oven. The good news if you keep on top of cleaning your oven regularly you won’t have to do such a big clean as this one. Happy cleaning.