Home & Garden

Top 5 Reasons to Own a Log Cabin Home

Are you thinking about building a log cabin home, but not sure if it’s the right decision for you? Many current log cabin owners went through the same debacle you are going through right now. Yet, almost all of them would probably tell you that opting for a log home over a traditional home was one of the best decisions they’ve ever made.

Top 5 Reasons to Own a Log Cabin Home

So what’s so great about a log home?

Log homes offer many benefits beyond being great places to have friends and family over for the weekend.

If you’re debating between a log home and a traditional home, keep reading. We’ve got the top 5 reasons to own a log home.

1.Energy Efficiency

Every homeowner knows the struggle of trying to lower their energy bill.

If you’re sick of this constant struggle, then you’ll be happy to know that log cabins are incredibly energy efficient.

This is of course, provided that the home is properly sealed.

However, most log home builders already build log homes to meet Energy Star standards. With these standards in place, your log home will be 15 to 20 percent more efficient than a conventional house.

This could save you some serious dough in the long run!

2. Top Notch Craftsmanship

Sure, conventional homes can have some nice craftsmanship. But usually this is limited to small areas, such as the trim.

However, with a log cabin home, you will find brilliant craftsmanship at every corner.

From the handcrafted staircase, to the lighting fixtures, to the cabinets, log cabins beat out the craftsmanship of traditional homes any day.

Just make sure you’ve got home builders who know what their doing. You can learn about the importance of choosing the right home builders and more @ riverwoodcabins.com.

3. Durable and Long Lasting

Maybe you’ve got a neighbour or friend who’s trying to talk you into a brick home because of their durability.

Well, you might want to share with them that there are log cabin homes in Europe well over 800 years old that are still going strong.

Talk to current log cabin owners and you will hear nothing but good stories about the ability of their log cabin to withstand even the toughest weather Mother Nature throws at it.

4. No Need to Rough It

Many people shy away from log homes because they associate them with “roughing it.”

However, this is simply no longer the case. Pretty much any technology you install in a traditional home, you can install in a log home.

Want a security system? No problem. Or how about a backup generator or a wiring system that can handle high speed data?

Your log cabin home can be built to accommodate all of your creature comfort needs!

5. If these Walls Could Talk

Mold, mildew, and insect infestation are every homeowner’s nightmare.

And if you live in a conventional home, these nightmares can be tough to spot.

However, such is not the case with a log cabin home. In a log cabin home, you only need to take a quick look around to spot anything troublesome. This means you can remedy the situation much more quickly and inexpensively.