Home & Garden

How Much Energy is My Home Producing, and What Can I Do to Lower It?

If your home is like most in the United States, you are using an excessive amount of energy. In 2011, the average energy consumption per household in the US was 11,700 kWh. To put that in perspective, the average house in the UK used just 4,600 kWh. Those figures show just how far you can reduce your energy consumption and still live a comfortable lifestyle. If you are looking to reduce your energy use, you can implement some of the following tips to make it easy.

How Much Energy is My Home Producing, and What Can I Do to Lower It?

Invest in Energy Efficient Windows

Although the upfront cost of energy efficient windows may be daunting, the money you save on energy bill sin the future will make the purchase worth it. Double-paned energy efficient windows keep the air inside your home, helping maintain the climate in your house whether you are using the A/C or heater. Old, single-paned windows leak out a large percentage of the air you are trying to keep inside, therefore making your A/C work double time, increasing the energy spent in your home. One of the main things to look for when searching for energy efficient windows, is the Energy-Star government rating.

Unplug It

When you are not using an electronic device, you should unplug it. This is especially true for energy-sucking electronic devices like computers, DVD players, televisions and cellphone chargers. The average household wastes up to ten percent of their energy consumption bleeding power on devices that are not in use.

Turn out the Lights

Don’t be one of those homes that have every light on at night. You should only have the light turned on when you need it. Whenever you leave the room, you should turn flip the switch to turn out the lights.

Another smart tip you can use to reduce light bulb energy consumption is to install new energy-efficient light bulbs. Installing CFL or LED light bulbs will drastically reduce the amount of energy you use to light your home.

Energy Monitoring Apps

There is an app for nearly everything these days, and that includes your energy use. You can install an app on your smartphone or mobile device that will monitor your energy consumption. These apps let you see how you are using your energy, and this data will give you ideas for ways to reduce your energy usage.

Extra Insulation

Adding extra insulation is one of the best ways that you can reduce your energy consumption. If you do not have sufficient insulation in your home’s walls and roof, then you will be leaking climate-controlled air out of your home 24 hours a day. You can drastically reduce your energy use by super insulating your home with the thickest layer of insulation possible.

Energy-Efficient Appliances

Your appliances are one of your home’s biggest energy consumers. This is especially true for large appliances like your refrigerator, dishwasher, washer and dryer. You need to install the most energy-efficient appliances possible to help lower your energy use. Look for appliances that have a high Energy Star rating to ensure that you are purchasing the most energy-efficient appliances you can.

It’s up to You

The fact that we as a country waste so much energy is a real embarrassment. You cannot control what other do, but you can do your part by implementing these tips. If we all work together, we can turn this around and bring our energy use back down to acceptable levels.

About the author

Window e-Store is an online energy efficient window shop serving 38 states throughout the US. They have technicians available to install your new windows, or an easy energy efficient window video tutorial if you want to do the job on your own.