Home & Garden

6 Simple Home Maintenance Tips For Busy Moms This Spring

Keeping on top of home maintenance can be very tricky at this time of year, especially if your husband is out at work and you have young children to look after. Even so, failing to complete certain jobs could have drastic consequences in the long run, which is why it’s important you all make a plan and try to stick to it.

Ensuring everything is kept clean and tidy should be your first priority, but there are a number of basic issues many ladies encounter in the home that could be sorted out in a timely manner if they just understood the process. This is why I’m writing an article today highlighting a few common problems that often make people panic. Don’t worry though, I’ll take the time to explain what you can do to deal with them, without having to call in a professional.

spring cleaning tips for busy moms

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At the end of the day, specialist tradespeople will be able to sort these issues out much quicker than you and I, but as they charge so much money for call-outs, you probably realise that doing it yourself if always going to be the most favourable option. So, as long as you don’t mind picking the tool box up and getting your hands dirty, take a few minutes to read through all the information I’ve chosen to include in this post. You should come away with a much better understanding of what can be done to solve relatively minor, yet frequently encountered household maintenance problems.

1 – Leaking Toilet Tank

This happens all the time to many people, and so I thought it best to place it at the top of my list today. A leaking toilet tank can be a real pain, and often ends up costing a lot of money to fix, so make sure you pay attention to this information; it could save you thousands. Firstly, you’ll want to add a basic red dye to the water in your tank. Then, flush the toilet and wait to see exactly where the leak is coming from. Once you’ve determined there definitely is a leak, and you know its location, you’ll need to replace the flapper which is settled just underneath your tank lid. This should be simple and cost you no more than £20.

2 – Blocked Guttering

Have you noticed you get a waterfall flowing over the front of your home every time it rains heavily outside? This probably means your guttering is blocked. Now, if you live in a privately rented property or a council property, you can probably just call the landlord and have them deal with an issue like this. However, if you own the house outright, this is your own responsibility. Luckily, there’s no need to spend half an hour at the top of a ladder scraping the gunk out of your guttering anymore. You can now purchase some really handy tools like the Hedgehog Gutter Brush from LBS Builders Merchants and other reputable retailers. These devices make the job incredibly simple, and getting something like this done is sure to impress your man when he gets home from work.

3 – Broken Washing Machine

We all know how much washing machine repairmen like to charge us, which is why dealing with the issue ourselves is always going to be beneficial. To be honest though, even my husband has trouble with this, so don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re unable to locate and fix the problem. That said; there are a few common issues you may be able to spot. Every couple of months, pull your washing machine away from the wall and just check you can see no leaks coming from the water pipes. If you do see water seeping from anywhere near the pipes, ensure you change them immediately. This job is simple, and should take no longer than half an hour.

4 – Dirty Carpets

Even if you bought the most expensive carpet in the world, going over it with a standard vacuum cleaner will only have the desired effects for so long. After that, you’re going to need something a little more substantial. Obviously, you could pay for someone to come round with a professional carpet cleaning machine, but you never know how thorough they’ll be with it. So, have a look online to find out whereabouts locally you can hire one from. Most stores that do this charge no more than £25 for the privilege, and although this amount certainly isn’t insignificant, at least you’ll know for definite the job will be performed to your own standards, not someone elses.

5 –  Faded / Cracked Paint

If you haven’t decorated for the last couple of years, much of the paint on your walls could probably do with a spruce. I’m sure you all know how to paint a property, but I’d just like to bring a couple of new devices to your attention. Browsing online will show you painting aids that could well make the entire job much simpler and quicker, so make sure you don’t overlook them. Indoor sprayers are good because they’re not too violent, and they cover a larger space than your traditional brush or roller. Likewise, keep on the lookout for something called a “quick edge painter”, as they are great for ensuring you cover the area properly, and they also reduce the amount of work time you’ll need to commit.

6 – Leaking Faucets / Taps

Finally, the main cause for leaking faucets or taps is worn out washers, which means sorting them out and making them work properly once more is incredibly simply. All you really need is some new washers and a decent crescent wrench. Simple unscrew your faucets or taps carefully until they come loose. You should instantly see the washers underneath, so just replace them, and you’ll be ready to go. Ensure you’re very careful when re-attaching the taps through, as it’s easy to stretch or knock the new washers out of place.

Well ladies, hopefully that information will make your lives a little easier next time something goes wrong in the home. Calling a professional to come and help is sometimes unavoidable, but there is a lot you can do to deal with the issues before they get that bad. So, try your hand at some basic home maintenance, and hopefully you’ll manage to save some money, and impress your husband or boyfriend at the same time. Bonus!

Thanks for reading!