Home & Garden

3 Keys to Making Your Home Smell Amazing

Does your house smell bad? Do you wrinkle your nose every time you open the front door and avoid having guests at all costs? Whether it’s the kitchen garbage, a litter box, the bathroom, or other pets, having a smelly house can be an embarrassing and gross problem to deal with during everyday life. However, there are some tips and tricks that you can use to make your home smell amazing all the time, even if you have kids, pets, or any other mess-causing family members.

3 Keys to Making Your Home Smell Amazing

  1. Add an Essential Oil Diffuser

One of the easiest ways to make your home smell fantastic all the time is to get an essential oil diffuser. There are many different options available, including reed-style, electric, ultrasonic, heat, and evaporative style diffusers. If you want to know more information about essential oils, AromaTech can help. They have a wide selection of diffusers and essential oils for sale that will make your home smell amazing and provide numerous health and wellness benefits. Using the right kind of essential oils can help lower stress and anxiety, relieve pain and inflammation, and in general, promote wellness and positive vibes. Different oils have different properties and benefits, so it’s vital to complete research to find the right option for your home.

  1. Clean any Soft Surfaces

One downside of having cloth furniture or belongings is that they attract moisture and foul odors. The odors then permeate the weave of the fabric and remain trapped, allowing bad smells to persevere throughout your home. Whether you choose a fabric cleanser spray, air freshener, or more extensive cleaning methods, it’s crucial to clean these surfaces regularly. Soft surfaces include things like carpets, couches, chairs, bed linens, blankets, curtains, anything made of fabric. When it comes to preventing smells, be sure to immediately wipe up any spills to prevent them from penetrating deeply into the fabric and other soft materials.

Another reason why it’s so essential to clean soft surfaces? All that excess moisture can promote mold and mildew growth. Mold spores and highly toxic to humans and can cause a variety of adverse health and lung conditions. Another method to eliminate excess moisture is purchasing a dehumidifier, which will effectively remove any extra humidity from the air, keeping the air in your home clean, dry, and fresh.

  1. Clean Out the Refrigerator

This may sound obvious, but many people neglect their fridge, either because it’s insanely messy or because they don’t realize it’s contributing to bad smells in their home. However, if your fridge is starting to grow something that looks like it could be alive, that old food is causing a variety of terrible, terrible smells–which is why it’s crucial to keep your fridge scrubbed and cleaned out. The first step is to throw out any old or rotten food that’s clearly gone bad. Those are contributing to the worst odors coming from your fridge.

After getting the worst of the old food thrown away, scrub the shelves and walls. Then, you can add in a box of open baking soda or an open container of coffee grounds to help absorb any leftover odors. Eventually, your fridge will stay smelling fresh as long as you take the time to clean it regularly.

Try These Methods to Keep Your Home Smelling Fresh and Clean

Keeping your home smelling great is a vital aspect of your quality of life. It makes you feel good to walk in the door and relax when you take a deep breath of clean, fresh air. You can add an essential oil diffuser, clean and refresh soft surfaces and fabrics, and spend time regularly cleaning out your fridge to make your home smell better. All of those methods are key to getting your home smelling amazing all the time, so you can live your best (smelling) life.