Home & Garden

10 Cleaning Mistakes Which You Are Making

Cleaning, as part of routine maintenance, is something so commonly done, that it’s easy to overlook mistakes. Many are unaware that the way they clean has a significant impact on how quickly the job can be accomplished, and how long the results will last. Moreover, using the wrong cleaning technique can do more harm than good.

10 Cleaning Mistakes Which You Are Making

Here are the ten most common cleaning mistakes that when straightened out, can save your business in Sydney a significant amount of time and money:

1.    Mopping Hardwood Floors

Using water for cleaning wooden floors is a costly mistake, for even the slightest moisture can penetrate and ruin its texture, and hasten the deterioration of the finish. It’s highly recommended to sweep with a soft-bristled broom, then wipe off with a specially formulated wood wipe.

2. Spraying Cleaners Directly onto Surfaces

When wiping furniture and various surfaces, use a microfiber cloth applied with cleaning solution to make sure it’s gentle, yet thoroughly clean. Only spray if you are struggling to remove tough dirt and grime. If not, then stick to the cloth.

3. Putting Off the Chore

Don’t you know that the longer you wait, whether due to busy schedules or varying weather conditions in Australia, the thicker the dirt gets, and the more difficult it will be to restore sanitary conditions? Sydney’s premier commercial cleaning service can do regular or deep cleaning quickly and efficiently, so you can focus on running your business. Save time, and save your business!

4. Skipping on Carpet, Couch, or Mattress Cleaning

These types of furniture can harbor bacteria and allergens, which compromise people’s health. Vacuum upholstered furniture at least once a month and have them steam cleaned at least twice a year. Not only will they look and feel better, but will exhibit a longer lifespan with proper care and maintenance.

5. Cleaning Windows on Sunny Days

To schedule a window cleaning under the bright sun makes sense, but stains and streaks left on the glass may not become prominent until a cloudy day arrives. The heat also causes cleaning agents to dry up faster, increasing the likelihood of post-cleaning residues.

6. Using a Feather Duster

Dusting furniture this way scatters particles all over the place. Wipe surfaces down using a damp microfiber cloth instead to capture dirt and leave surfaces clean as ever effectively.

7. Not Switching the Standard Vacuum Brush

The vacuum is powerful in sucking up dust and major debris, but specialized attachments should be used for picking up hair and fur.

8. Neglecting the Cleaning Sponge and Cloth

Cleaning materials need a good clean too, and water alone won’t suffice. Pour dishwashing liquid over it, wash at the top shelf of the dishwasher, or put the sponge in the microwave for about a minute to kill any harmful bacteria.

9. Scrubbing Rust with Bleach

Stains and rust will even be harder to remove if you apply bleach. Use a specially formulated rust remover and do your bath and our environment a favor.

10. Immediately Returning the Toilet Brush to its Holder

Moisture and germs from the bowl will thrive in the container and get rubbed back in the toilet the next cleaning session. Allow the brush to dry thoroughly after every scrubbing.

Old cleaning habits aren’t hard to let go once you know of the ill-effects they can have on your property and health. So before you start cleaning, see to it that it’s correctly done.

Prevention is always better than fixing any damage that could be done with the use of the wrong cleaning agent or technique. Now that you’re aware of these common mistakes, you can expect chores to be done faster and more efficient for a long-lasting clean.