Holidays & Seasons

New Year’s Resolutions You Can’t Possibly Keep, So Don’t Even Try

On New Year’s Eve, usually after we’ve all had a few drinks, and are sitting around, waiting in anticipation for the ball to drop, we get to thinking about our New Year’s resolutions. Some of these, are not exactly well thought out, and usually end a couple months, weeks, or even days after we’ve made them. Listed below are some of the most popular, and some of the most often broken New Year’s resolutions. Along side, are the reasons why they are so often broken as well. In a companion article, we’ll go over a few more practical alternative resolutions, that might actually stick, and bring some results.

Lose Weight: That’s the big one, ladies. We all want to lose weight in the new year, especially since it’s going to be bikini season soon. Some of the usual mistakes are resolutions like: Lose five pounds a week, lose thirty pounds a month, lose a hundred pounds this next year, and so on and so forth. Losing five pounds a week is just not going to happen, for one thing; it’s unhealthy. For another, it’s completely unrealistic.

Find Mr. Right: Another big one that almost automatically goes out the window for a couple different reasons. One, most of us realize that Mr. Right is not going to appear to us in a haze of nightclub strobe lights. Or two; the other half don’t realize it, and instead spend many hours in those bars, singles clubs, etc., and end up with a succession of losers until they eventually give up the dating scene altogether.

Make More Money! Oh gosh… where to start. It’s easier said than done; this is usually the most often forgotten. A lot of us ladies like to stay in our comfort zones. That means, usually we stay at the same, boring level of corporate hell. Aside from that, actually changing careers is a massive change. Another reason, is that many women almost always consider getting a second job, –which is going to be possibly even more work than it would be to just pursue a change in career.

Write A Book… yes, believe it or not, among some, this is actually a pretty popular choice amongst all the different resolutions to be made, and not kept. The main reasons are, for one, not being able to decide what to write about. Another, choosing a publisher, and paying for the creation of their books. Most of us don’t realize until too late, that yes, you must pay to publish a novel.

And then there are the other resolutions, made in height of drunkenness, such as “I am sooo going to win the lottery next year”, no, most likely not. As a matter of fact, chances are, you’re more likely to get struck by lightning, not to mention how much money you’ll be wasting. Think of the extra dollar you’ll be spending every day, –averaging out at around $300 every year, –that you might have put toward a much better coat.