Holidays & Seasons

7 Warm Must-Haves To Beat the Winter Chills

The onset of winter means dealing with the cold and, if not frigid temperatures. However, not everyone has the luxury of central heating. Leaving the thermostat on all day may be an effective way to keep warm, but be prepared to receive an astronomical electricity bill at the end of each month for the rest of the winter season. Simple things by changing or adding a new piece of garment to your wardrobe can make a world of difference. For instance, cold feet lead to your entire body feeling cold. A good pair of socks, under a cozy blanket, can heat you right up as you sit in your living room nursing a hot cup of tea.

7 Warm Must-Haves To Beat the Winter Chills

Whether it is time to come home from out of the cold or work on keeping warm while indoors, we have listed below a few must-haves to help keep you toasty from head toe to beat the winter chills.

  1. Make your feet happy

The sensation of feeling cold always begins from the feet. When your feet feel like blocks of ice, then your whole body will start feeling cold. Keep those frosty feet in a warm pair of socks and house slippers.  Think of warm fabrics such as wool, fleece, or sheepskin.  Look into a sock subscription that can supply you with creatively designed socks with cheerful colors that can also provide the warmth your body needs for the winter. Slip your feet into a fuzzy pair of slippers you can use around the house to keep your feet from the cold hard floor.

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  1. Drink Up!

Warm yourself from the inside out by consuming warm beverages such as coffee, tea, and hot cocoa. For example, a large cup of hot cinnamon tea is used to heat the body from the inside. Cinnamon has warming properties and is especially effective when combined with fresh ginger. These traditional heating remedies have been used in Asian cultures for centuries. Cinnamon is believed to bring not only warmth but increase a person’s blood flow, oxygen levels, and fight ailments. Consuming warm drinks when you’re feeling cold is also an excellent way to heat up your hands as you hold onto a hot mug.

  1. It’s all about the layers

Always start from innerwear and work your way out. Building up the layers of clothing to keep you warm is an effective way to face a harsh winter. The first base is considered your insulation. Invest in good thermal underwear that can protect your body from the cold. Adding layers to your clothing does not only insulate yourself from the cold but also helps regulate your body temperature. After putting on a warm sweater, think about adding a jacket or coat to protect you from the elements when you go outside. Lastly, add scarves, hats, mittens, or gloves, depending on how the weather is. The benefits of working with layers is, you can always add or subtract one easily throughout the day.

  1. Exercise is key

Continue to find ways to keep active. Movement generates heat and raises the temperature of your body. Consider an exercise regimen that you can keep throughout the winter while indoors, such as yoga, that will improve your blood flow and flexibility. The cold weather can make your body feel stiff. Even simple movements around the house like playing a quick game with family, cleaning, or face that home repair that you’ve been putting off can do wonders for keeping your entire body at a comfortable temperature.

  1. Cook up a storm

Cook up a hot pot of soup, stew, or a comforting roast chicken by using your kitchen stove or oven. The stove and oven are great ways to generate heat in your room. Salads and no-bake, or no-cook meals make sense in the hotter months, while winter will demand hot meals to keep warm. After using your oven for baking, remember to leave it open to allow the hot air to circulate and add heat to your room. A hot pumpkin soup from scratch may take longer to make, but the slow heat it creates as it sits on the stove is well worth the wait, or think of splurging into a slow cooker that can do the work for you in half the time.

Photo by Alex Qian from Pexels

  1. Draw the curtains

During the day, make sure to draw back the curtains throughout your home or working space to let the sunlight in. This is a natural way to provide heat and minimize your utility consumption costs. By drawing the blinds and closing your curtains during the night, will prevent the cold wind from entering. This is also an excellent way to insulate your home. Unused rooms should remain closed. This will ensure that the cold air resting inside does not chill the rest of your home. Insulate your doors and windows to prevent any unwanted drafts and add carpets or area rugs to your floors for added warmth.

  1. Purchase a humidifier

Getting your own humidifier can help your home feel warmer. The water vapor present in the humidifier can somewhat increase the ability of the air to hold heat. Humid air has the tendency to feel warmer than dry air. Constantly running the heater in your home can strip it of indoor humidity. Research on specific humidifier models in the market today that can be used both in the summer and winter. They may cost more, but it will be worth the investment as you will be able to use it all year round.  

In Closing

Staying warm in the winter months does not only mean cranking up the thermostat in your home’s indoor heater. It may be the quickest and easiest solution- unfortunately, it is not always cost-effective. Learning a few tips such as consuming hot meals and drinks, dressing properly, staying active, and insulating your home are effective ways to deal with the cold.

Not only will you feel warm from the inside out, but you will be able to comfortably relax with your loved ones at home over the holidays.