Food & Entertaining

Know Your Coffee – Information about Coffee Varieties, Forms and Blends

Next time the cafe hostess asks you, “Latte or Mocha?”, don’t break into a sweat. Learn the basics of coffee by type, brew and flavors.

Coffee Varieties

Arabica: Mild and aromatic Arabica coffee is a descendant of the original Ethiopian Coffee trees. It accounts for about 70% of the world’s coffee production.

Robusta: The remaining 30% of the world’s coffee production is ‘Robusta’. Robusta is far richer than Arabica bean. It produces a bitter-tasting coffee with about 50% more caffeine than Arabica and is grown mostly in South-East Asia and Brazil.

Forms and Blends

Espresso: Strong Italian Coffee, which is brewed by forcing steam through finely-ground, dark roasted coffee beans. When frothed milk is added, it evolves into variations like cappuccino, macchiato and cafe latte.

Cappuccino: Equal proportions of espresso, hot milk and froth, when blend together, make cappuccino. Have it with just plain sugar or if you are like me, sprinkle cinnamon or cocoa!

Mocha: The popular coffee blend is named after the kingdom of Mocha, a neighbor of Ethiopia. It was the ruler of Mocha, who first suggested that cherries from a coffee plant may be infused to make a drink. Mocha is generally 1/3rd espresso, 1/3rd strong unsweetened chocolate, and 1/3rd steamed milk.

Latte: Call it Café Latte or Cafe au Lait, any ‘Latte’ is a milky coffee. To create the best latte, pour milk and coffee simultaneously into the mug, one from each side.