Food & Entertaining

Ice-Cream Cone Cakes

Bake little cakes in flat bottomed ice cream cones and top with ice cream.


  • Any flavor cake mix
  • Flat-bottomed waffle ice cream cones (30 approx.)
  • Frosting
  • Sugar decorations
  • Ice Cream – Vanilla or Same Flavor as the Cake


1. Prepare any flavor layer cake mix as directed on the package.

2. Pour a scant 1/4 cup batter into each of the waffle cones. Fill a scant half full; if cones are filled more than this, batter will run over top.

3. Set in square or oblong pan and bake as directed for cupcakes.

4. Cool. Top with a dollop of ice cream when serving.

5. Alternatively, skip the ice cream and frost with any favorite frosting and decorate with candies. Do not store in an airtight container as the cones will soften.