Health & Fitness

Work And Life Balance Made Easy

Whether you’re working in an office during traditional hours, working from home on your couch, or juggling work and motherhood, striking that perfect balance between our professional and private lives is essential. All women should have some wellness tips in their toolkit to keep their lives running as smoothly as possible. Though we all strive to put our best foot forward and be as productive as possible in all areas of our lives, it’s equally essential to step back and look at how we can honor our intuition when it comes to our wellbeing. Let’s look at some ways we can keep that balance while juggling it all. 

Work And Life Balance Made Easy

Get Your Eight Hours 

Sleep is one of the most important things to stay in optimum health. When our bodies are at rest, so are our brains. This is an important time for our bodies and brains to restore and heal. Additionally, getting enough sleep keeps our body’s immune systems in peak working condition. As we all know, stress can drag our immune systems down, so if you’re feeling overwhelmed between work and personal issues, getting enough sleep is critical. Prioritize sleep by recognizing what can wait until tomorrow and get yourself in a relaxed and calm state before bedtime. 

Manage Stress Levels 

Speaking of stress, it’s a natural part of life and something to be expected. But, if left unchecked, it can lead to a host of other issues that make work and life balance complicated. Take time every day to lower stress levels. These are simple ways to do this, like breathwork, meeting with a therapist, and participating in yoga or meditation. Even spending time with your children and experiencing life from an excited and optimistic perspective has been proven to lower stress. 

Eat This, Not That 

When we’re burning the candle from both ends, from work to private lives, it’s easy to reach for overprocessed, sugary convenience food. If you have meal and snack prep on the weekends to make sure that you have plenty of healthy options on hand, do that because fast-food isn’t going to help you balance your life on any level. Fast food has been proven to make us feel awful, not just physically but mentally. Try going plant-based a couple of days a week. Eating a vegan diet has been shown to reduce inflammation, blood pressure, and a host of other health issues. Avoid the “convenience” vegan foods, too, though – you want fresh fruits and veggies to fuel your body and mind. 

Supplement Where Necessary 

Supplements are not band-aids; they are what their name implies. They are designed to supplement an already healthy diet. Consider incorporating a womens multivitamin in your daily routine to help fill any nutritional gaps. It’s also worth meeting with your GP or taking a handy at-home test to see what other areas you are deficient in. Many Americans are low in Vitamin D and Magnesium, two vitamins that play crucial roles in our overall well being and ability to handle stress. So, supplement where you need to, and you’re likely to notice an immediate benefit. 

Get Plenty Of Exercise

The same way you want to make sure you’re eating your best and supplementing where necessary, you want to move your body daily. Exercise is one of the first things that gets put on the backburner when feeling overwhelmed from work and home life. The key to getting in the appropriate amount of exercise is finding a form of fitness that you enjoy. When you want your exercise, you’re more likely to view it as a release on top of its mental and physical benefits. Take advantage of all the affordable at-home equipment available these days. Additionally, there are plenty of apps or tutorial videos on social platforms like Youtube or Tiktok. Just make sure you’re getting those steps in every day. 

Taking control of your life is easier than it may feel some days when you’re overwhelmed with work or raising children. By utilizing the tips mentioned above, you can be well on your way to feeling your best and managing stress a lot easier. And remember, it takes a village whether you’re a parent or not, so never be afraid to reach out and ask for help from a friend or therapist. Here’s to your health!