Health & Fitness

Tone Up with Gala

The majority of people up and down the country either want to tone up or lose weight from at least one part of our bodies, yet with hectic work schedules finding the time to fit in an exercise regime can be difficult. For example, a parent who works in a busy office environment can often struggle to find time to manage family life, hobbies and work pressures. In addition, we often like to unwind and relax when we come home from work, all of which keeps us from doing exercise, or so we thought.

Tone up exercises

Gala Bingo understands just how important it is to keep fit, and how vital it is to find something that is easy to do, enjoyable, fits into your day-to-day, whist being effective. To demonstrate the best, most effective, exercises to keep yourself in shape, Gala Bingo have created an info-graphic to help find the right routine for you. After all, everyone wants to be body confident, with toned arms and legs, and Gala Bingo knows just how to do it.

As with every form of exercise, a warm up is needed to help loosen up your muscles and warm up your joints. No form of workout, no matter how simple should ignore this all important rule. An example exercise that is ideal for this is the ‘secret handshake’. Just as you would when shaking someone’s hand, clasp both of your hands together, with one hand’s thumb pointing down and the other hand’s thumb pointing up, and pull. The objective of the exercise is to resist this, which you will most certainly feel in your biceps. Hold for several seconds, then repeat.

Now that you’ve warmed up, you can move on to a more intense and slightly vigorous exercise, also designed to help those arms of yours: chairdips. You’ve probably already heard of these, but just in case, simply take a sturdy desk or chair, position your hands on the very edge, like you’re sitting in mid-air, and then slowly straighten your arms, bringing yourself upwards. Repeat the motion for at least 10 reps each day if you want to see a dramatic and noticeable difference.

Gala Bingo know that it’s hard to fit in exercise when your life runs away with you, however, it’s always best to fit in a small amount of exercise, no matter how small, and with a healthy balanced diet, you will see results.