Health & Fitness

The Healthy Gut Diet: 5 of the Best Foods to Add to Your Plate

Did you know that the average person will try 126 diets over the course of their life? This means trying around 2 new diets a year. Yet instead of trying extreme diets, people should instead pay attention to their bodies’ needs. One thing everyone’s body wants is to have a healthy and balanced gut.

The Healthy Gut Diet: 5 of the Best Foods to Add to Your Plate

Many people don’t give their gut the attention it needs, ignoring foods that help contribute to a healthy gut diet. So what can you do to get your insides in order?

Keep reading to learn about 5 foods that should be a part of every healthy gut diet plan.

1. Olive Oil

If you’re a butter fan, consider switching to olive oil. Not only is it a healthier option, but it can also help you improve your gut health.

Olive oil contains polyphenols and fatty acids, both of which microbes and gut bacteria like to eat. Olive oil can reduce gut inflammation, and some studies have shown that it can help with problems such as indigestion.

Try putting it on salads, or use it to cook vegetables and other foods.

2. Kombucha

If you pay attention to food trends, odds are you’ve heard of kombucha. Although technically not a food, it’s great for your gut health either way.

Kombucha is fermented tea thought to have originated in Eastern Asia. It’s full of probiotics, which your gut needs to stay healthy.

Kombucha has a strong and unique vinegary taste. Drink it on its own, or mix it with fruit. You can also use it in cocktails!

3. Yogurt

Yogurt is another food full of probiotics, or the healthy gut bacteria that our body wants. For best results, look for sugar-free versions. Oftentimes, these can be found in Greek yogurt.

Add some fruit and granola into a bowl of yogurt, and you have a quick, healthy, and gut-friendly breakfast.

Sometimes, you can also look into adding supplements to your diet to help you feel better.

4. Sauerkraut

Are you of German descent? If so, you might’ve had the chance to try the delicious traditional dish, sauerkraut.

Saurekraut is pickled cabbage, which is full of vitamins, fiber, and probiotics. You can serve it with sausage and can make it at home for a cheap price. For the biggest impact on your gut, try not to pickle the sauerkraut in vinegar. This can reduce its effectiveness.

5. Miso

Are you a fan of delicious soups? If so, Japanese miso could be up your alley.

Miso is made of fermented soybeans and rice, as well as other vegetables. It’s also full of enzymes and healthy bacteria. In regions of the world where people eat miso, people have lower rates of bowel disease and better gut health.

Looking for a Healthy Gut Diet? Try These Foods!

If you’re concerned with living a healthier life, one place to start is with your gut. By making an effort to consume these 5 foods, you’ll have a healthy gut diet, and will be on the path to better overall health.

Do you have any other tips on how to have a healthy gut? Let us know!

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