Health & Fitness

The Benefits of Using Compression Stockings

Compression stockings are commonly known as something worn only by the elderly, but they actually have a number of benefits that you may not be aware of. They can be used by a wide range of people for various problems, and you may want to consider whether they could be of use to you before you cast the idea aside. These stockings are also more complex than you may think, with different levels of compression depending on the purpose they are used for.

The Benefits of Using Compression Stockings

How Do They Work?

Compression stockings are specially-made, tight-fitting socks that gently squeeze your legs. The pressure helps to allow your veins to work better by improving how your blood vessels function.

Arteries pump blood from your heart down into your body to take oxygen to your limbs and extremities, and veins do the hard work of pumping this blood back against gravity up to your heart. Small valves inside the veins stop the blood flowing back down again to your feet, and these valves can fail or leak when they are under too much pressure, caused by things like large periods of time standing, pregnancy, or obesity. Compression stockings put extra pressure back in the other direction, pushing the blood more easily back up to the heart. They are typically tighter at the ankle, with the compression reducing towards the top of the stocking.

As a result, using compression stockings can prevent numerous medical problems in the legs such as varicose veins and blood clots, and can also assist with things like pain and swelling or sports recovery.

What Are They Useful for?

Compression stockings have a wide range of uses, and can be used for both medical and non-medical reasons. There are a number of different types of stockings, with different compression levels, for these varying purposes.

At the lowest level of compression, they can be used to relieve pain and swelling for pregnant women, or provide support for people who are walking a lot or standing for long periods of time. Athletes in many cases will use compression clothing or stockings to create more efficient blood-flow, which (theoretically) allows their muscles to work better during exercise.

Compression stockings can also be used to prevent blood clots and deep vein thrombosis from developing when flying. The highest level of compression is usually medically prescribed, and may be used to prevent varicose veins or help to relieve symptoms of varicose or spider veins. Varicose veins are very common, and may be developed by up to 30% of the population at some point in their lives. Using compression stockings as a preventative measure or a treatment option is also very common, as they are easy to use and non-invasive.

How Do You Use Them?

The stockings should be completely flat and smooth against your skin, and not bunched up at all. If they are medically prescribed, you should wear them as your doctor has instructed, which may be that you wear them most of the time. You may also be advised to wear them for a specific purpose, or for a specific period of time only. Dr. Eddie Chaloner, an expert in varicose veins and associated treatments, points out that “active people often find that wearing compression stockings long term is quite difficult. …  Stockings are not a substitute for surgery although they can be helpful for patients during pregnancy with sore veins who are waiting until after the delivery for definitive treatment.”

You should not bathe or shower with them on, and nor should you roll them up or down to create multiple layers or make them shorter or longer, as this can create too much pressure and may cut off blood flow. Each person should ideally have their stockings measured specifically for them.

Using compression stockings can have many benefits, even for those who are not suffering from a medical issue. Consider whether they may be of help to you, and speak to your doctor or pharmacist about what type might be right for you.