Health & Fitness

Summary of Nutritional Recommendations

Here’s a summation of what to eat and what to avoid to achieve a generally good and healthy eating lifestyle.

1. Reduce consumption of fats, especially saturated fats and cholesterol.

2. Achieve and maintain a desirable body weight. Choose a diet in which intake is consistent which expenditure. To reduce energy intake, limit consumption of foods high in calories.

3. Increase consumption of complex carbohydrates and fiber.

4. Reduce intake of sodium. Limit amount of sodium added in food preparation and at the table.

5. To reduce the risk for chronic disease, minimize alcohol intake.

6. Reduce consumption of sugar, especially in children.

7. Adult women, teenage girls and pregnant women should increase intake of foods high in calcium.

8. Children, adolescents and women of childbearing age should make sure to consume iron-rich foods.