Health & Fitness

Sex After Menopause

For women entering menopause, the outlook for a strong satisfying sexual life is grim according to old rumors and misinformation. This fear comes from the stereotyping of older women in unattractive and unsensual roles. Relax – things are different than they were in your mother’s world. Women today are informed, savvy, and sexy!

Menopause certainly does have an impact on our bodies, but it doesn’t have to mean celibacy or relationship problems. It’s proven you need to be patient with your older body, for it will naturally require a little more time to become aroused, but don’t worry. There’s ways to remedy that and the good news is that in many ways, sex after menopause becomes even richer and sweeter!

The good news is that 70-80% of women do not experience a reduction in sexual activity or satisfaction. However, there are physical changes that do occur which may effect your sexual feelings.

The most common problem is vaginal dryness. About 20% of women experience dryness and thinning of vaginal walls which causes symptoms of itching, burning, occasional burning and bleeding during intercourse. Products you can purchase over-the-counter may help such as KY-Jelly.

Drops in estrogen levels are often blamed for decreasing libido, but most doctors refute the theory. A study presented in the journal Menopause (Sept/Oct 2000) found no direct relationship between declining estrogen levels and the desire to have sex. Reasons for a waning sexual desire may be a result of fatigue, relationship issues, stress, illness, social changes associated with aging such as empty nest syndrome or side effects of medications.

Men often go through similar libido changes during this time in life requiring more stimulation and time to be satisfied. This change gives you a different outlook on sex. It may allow you to bring more intimacy into the relationship, more time for snuggling, talking, cuddling and massage. So don’t fear the menopausal years to come. You will get through it with ease. Just keep those communication lines open between you and your partner and your doctor. Soon you will discover that menopause is a gift and a time to begin your life anew in great health.

Good Websites to help you out:

National Institute on Aging

The North American Menopause Society (NAMS)