Health & Fitness

Reasons to Stop Smoking

If you try to quit smoking cold turkey, you will most likely start doing it again. To wean yourself off cigarettes gradually, you should take up vaping and obtain e-juice from reputable sites such as Loadedejuice.

Reasons to Stop Smoking

Not only does smoking affect your health negatively, but it also affects the lives of the people around you thanks to secondhand smoke. Here are some great reasons to quit smoking today:

To Protect Your Friends and Family

As a smoker, you are not just ruining your health. You are also ruining the health of your friends and family whenever you smoke around them. Secondhand smoke results in the deaths of 50,000 people per year and makes others sick, especially kids. In fact, studies show that pregnant women who live with smokers are more likely to experience stillbirths.

This means that secondhand smoke is also deadly to unborn babies. Experts think that the harmful chemicals found in cigarettes restrict blood flow to the placenta thus damaging it, which results in death. Moreover, the children and infants in smoker’s homes suffer more ear infections, breathing problems, and colds.

To Save Money

Smoking starts out cheap but once you get addicted, it becomes an expensive habit. On average, a smoker will spend 2,200 dollars per year on cigarettes. To figure out how much you spend on cigarettes, you should multiply your daily smoking expenses by 365. You should not forget to figure out your life insurance rates because smoking will catch up with you health wise.

To Live Longer

When you quit smoking, you will gain a new lease on life. Smoking is a daily habit that will harm your body in more ways than you can imagine. In fact, according to doctors, smoking causes damage in nearly all organs of your body. If you continue to smoke, you will most likely die because of a smoking-related illness.

Cancer is the biggest illness related to smoking; in fact, smoking is linked to fifteen types of cancer. You also have to factor in heart disease, lung disease, and other illnesses. On average, female smokers lose 14.5 years of their lives while male smokers lose approximately 13.2 years. If you think that the damage is already done and there is no point in quitting, you are wrong.

Quitting at any moment has numerous benefits. For instance, studies show that people who quit smoking at the age of fifty lower their odds of dying in the next fifteen years by half.

To Repair Your Body

After you take your last whiff of a cigarette, your body will start to repair itself within hours. Once you quit this bad habit, you will get your strength back within 7 to 10 days. Moreover, you will regain your senses of taste and smell, which are dulled by years of smoking.

Your blood pressure and heart rate will also reduce immediately and within weeks, your breathing and circulation will improve. If you are worried about premature aging, you should stop smoking because it ages your skin and causes premature wrinkles. Smoking also stains your fingernails, fingers, teeth, and causes bad breath – all of which will improve after you quit.

To Get People to Like You

Nowadays, smoking is less socially acceptable and most workplaces ban indoor smoking. Moreover, some property owners do not rent to smokers due to higher insurance rates and maintenance costs. Increasingly more states are enacting laws that ban smoking from indoor spaces such as restaurants and bars.


The above reasons are enough to convince most people to quit. Although it is not easy to stop smoking, you need to try.