Health & Fitness

Looking Inward

If you are going to exercise, you might as well make it fun. Find something you like that requires aerobic abilities and do it a minimum of 30 minutes a day. Stick on some good tunes and dance around the house or get some momentum going up and down some stairs. Put on a walkman and go for a nice long brisk paced walk. Call up a friend and get them to go with you. Reward yourself for milestones along the way with something other than food. Making it a positive experience will help keep you motivated and keep you moving! Getting physically fit and healthy requires nothing more than time and some good old fashioned hard work. When you look back, way back into the past, recalling from depictions made by TV and pictures, people in the times before cars were much more physically fit then we are today. Back then people did not eat processed foods, they walked miles to school or town, and everything they did was done manually. From laundry (which was a fulltime job in itself) to factory work. No computer operated machines or plug in to the hydro outlet appliances to help them out. Gone are those days and we have replaced all those time consuming activities with machines to help us. Leaving us plenty more time to do other things, but guess what, we have managed to make ourselves even more busy with other things. Wasn’t the whole idea behind these inventions to make life easier, save time? Now we just fill the time with other tasks. Making time for yourself is important. We all have obligations to work, family and children but we also need to make ourselves an obligation. A priority! If you feel like you are not supported in your efforts to make time for you because of the demands of these other obligations, then you need to SPEAK UP! Tell those you love that you have a need, that the need to exercise is important to you. Tell them you need their support to make time, let your husbands take care of the children for an hour. Tell him its important to you. Sometimes you have to burst someone’s bubble to get your point across. Make your needs important and noteworthy!

Kay Hilts Fitness Trainer and Motivational Author Dynamite Diva Spa Gals Weightloss Website©