Health & Fitness

Keep Stinky Feet Under Control

Finding a stylish pair of sneakers can be challenging simply because there are so many different kinds to choose from. When shopping for the perfect pair, it can quickly become overwhelming. It can be helpful to have an idea of what you are looking for before you even begin your search. If you are shopping online, you can type in a specific color so that your search will be narrowed down. This will save you time and you will be more likely to find exactly what you are looking for. This spring and summer, try some exciting trends. You could opt for bright orange colors, metallics, and prints so you can have some fun with your sneakers.

Keep Stinky Feet Under Control

No matter what kind of sneaker that you choose, you will want to keep them smelling nice and fresh. There are a number of ways that you can do this. You want to prevent getting an odor in your sneakers to begin with because it can be difficult to get rid of the odor. If you do end up with an unpleasant foot odor in your shoes, there are a number of things that you should and shouldn’t do to get rid of the stinky feet.

Keep Your Feet Clean and Dry

It is important to keep your feet clean and dry. If you workout, you should wear sweat whisking socks, such as lightweight cotton, to help keep your feet dry. You should also throw your socks into the wash as soon as you are finished working out and use a fresh pair next time. You should also shower to make sure that you get your feet nice and clean and prevent any odor from developing.

Be sure to scrub your feet thoroughly with soap to get rid of any bacteria that may be lingering. Be sure to get in between your toes where bacteria can lurk. Make sure that you dry your feet thoroughly. You can even use a hand sanitizer to kill any germs that have been left behind. Bacteria is what causes odor so if you make sure that you get rid of it, you won’t have smelly feet. Hand sanitizer will kill that odor-causing bacteria and reduce the likelihood that you will have any foot odor. The only time you shouldn’t use a hand sanitizer on your feet if you have dry or cracked feet. You should get your feet moisturized and in good shape before you begin using the hand sanitizer trick.

As long as you wash and dry your feet thoroughly, you will most likely have odorless feet. You can also use an odorless antiperspirant spray on your feet to help prevent them from sweating. Just make sure that you give your feet time to dry before putting on your socks and shoes.

If you have tried all of this and you still find that your feet are still stinky, you could try soaking your feet in a mixture of vinegar and water to kill any odor-causing fungus that you may have. Another great way to keep stinky feet at bay is to use a medicated foot powder. There are many different products in the market to help keep your feet smelling fresh and will help you to get rid of your stinky feet.

Wear the Right Shoes

The type of shoes that you wear also makes a difference. In the summer, you should wear shoes that let your feet breathe such as sandals and open-toed shoes. In the winter, you should wear shoes made of canvas or leather that naturally allow your feet to breathe and help to prevent sweating. You also want to change your socks regularly even if you are not working out.

When you wash your socks, you want to wash them inside out so that the dead skin cells will get washed away. Dead skin cells are basically “food” for bacteria, so you want to make sure that your socks are nice and clean. You also want to avoid wearing socks that are made of nylon because materials that don’t breathe such as nylon will trap heat in and will cause your feet to sweat more. You can keep foot odor under control, but you need to be diligent to see results.