Health & Fitness

How To Quit Smoking So You Can Get Back To Enjoying Life

Ah, summer! Summer can be one of the most enjoyable parts of the year, filled with pickup ball games, barbeques, pool parties and time with family and friends. However, if you’re a smoker this can also be a difficult and stressful time of year. Sneaking around, hiding cigarettes from your family, kids, or friends isn’t any fun at all. Smoking also saps you of your physical fitness, and those neighborhood softball games aren’t nearly as fun or interesting if you have to sit on the sidelines. 

How To Quit Smoking So You Can Get Back To Enjoying Life

In 2018 smoking isn’t seen as cool or interesting anymore. Smokers are pitied, and aside from the health issues, smokers also suffer from social stigmas. Dating is more difficult when you are a smoker, and you don’t look as good as you could if you stopped smoking! Quitting smoking is difficult, but it’s something that is worth doing, for every possible reason. Smoking negatively influences your social life, your health, and your finances, so there’s no time like the present to try quitting!

First of all, don’t be discouraged. Most smokers have to attempt to quit an average of 6.1 times in order to successfully quit. These early quit attempts may feel like failures, but they are just steps on the way to your successful quit! The first thing to do is to decide what is the right method of quitting for you. Would you like to try nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), a prescription drug such as Chantix, or cold turkey? Each method has its pros and cons, but they are also all viable options. It’s really your choice and what you think would work best for your lifestyle.

The Chantix price can seem like a con, but your doctor should prescribe it to you so that you will be able to afford it. With insurance coverage, the Chantix price should be affordable. This drug works in your brain to curb nicotine cravings. Other over the counter nicotine replacement therapies (NRT), like the patch and gum or mints can be helpful as well. These NRT act as a replacement for cigarettes. You then slowly step down your nicotine dose. Cold turkey is when you just stop smoking cigarettes, without help from prescription or over the counter methods.

All of these methods can be difficult, and all of them can be easy. The best thing to help you quit is to prepare yourself mentally for a few rough days. Make sure you get a lot of sleep, have plenty of healthy snacks and that you drink plenty of water. Don’t attempt anything really stressful these first few days, as you are likely to feel off kilter. Many people experience dizziness, coughs, and irritation while quitting smoking, but over all these symptoms are temporary, and nothing that should keep you from trying to quit. Quit smoking and get back to enjoying your life!

Mark Alvarado is a world traveler who wants to help you be a world traveler too! His guides and website will help you live your best life. He is also available for private consultations.