Health & Fitness

How to Deal With Surgical Stapler Scars

Surgical staples, surgical tape, and tissue adhesives are widely used to close surgical wounds or injuries. A surgical stapler is often used to close large and deep wounds because it is an easy method to apply compared to stitches or statures. 

How to Deal With Surgical Stapler Scars

However, this method of closing deep wounds also has its drawbacks. One of the biggest drawbacks is that a surgical stapler can malfunction, causing further infection or injury to the patient. The rate of surgical staplers going wrong is so high that there is a significant number of surgical stapler lawsuits recorded every year. 

Apart from that, the scars left behind this method are also deeper compared to other methods. If you’ve recently had a deep wound closed by a surgical stapler, you’re likely going to see prominent scars on the area where the stapler was used. But don’t worry, with careful post-care, you can deal with the scars and get your skin back to its original form. 

Here are some common preventive measures to make sure that the scars are not deep. 

  • Stop Smoking. Smoking increases the risk of scars because it slows down your healing rate significantly. In fact, smoking is such a big issue that some plastic surgeons even deny operating on a patient if they don’t stop smoking at least two weeks before the surgery.
  • Looking after your nutrition. Eating a balanced diet that consists of larger portions of protein can help heal your skin faster. Protein is the building block of the body and it is essential for the body if it has to heal significant wounds such as the ones that are closed with surgical staplers. So make sure to eat plenty of food such as chicken, beef, mutton, fish, seafood, and others.
  • Drink water. Drinking water is important when you have to manage fluids. In some cases, if you don’t drink enough water daily, it can lead to electrolyte imbalance. So make sure you stay well hydrated if you want your skin to remain young and fresh. 
  • Use Cacay oil. Cacay oil is a great multipurpose oil. You can use it on the face to prevent wrinkles or soften fine lines. It is even supposed to help with scars and stretch marks. Apply the oil at least twice a day to get the best results.  Cacay oil must be combined with the above methods in order to reduce the appearance of scars.
  • Alcohol. If you want the surgery scars to go as soon as possible, cut down on alcohol because it can dehydrate the skin and body. Stop the use of alcohol immediately if your wound is still healing and focus on drinking beverages free of caffeine.

No one likes to deal with scars left after surgery or the use of a surgical stapler. While the scars resulting from a stapler are usually deep and prominent, if you follow the tips closely and maintain good health, you’ll most likely heal the scars in a very short period of time.