Health & Fitness

Health Tests and Treatments Available at Home

Thanks to advancements in technology in the medical field, you no longer have to rush to the doctor for everything. You can now find at-home medical test kits, which you can use to monitor your health closely from the comfort of your home. Even better, you can find a majority of these tests at the local pharmacy or get one delivered to your doorstep. Here are some of the health tests and treatments available at home.

Health Tests and Treatments Available at Home

  1. STD Tests

The possibility of testing positive for a sexually transmitted disease is something nobody wants to experience. However, those who need answers can do so with at-home test kits. It’s how to get tested for STDs for those too afraid to do so at the doctor’s office. Kits come with detailed directions on how to do the test on your own and how you can reach out if the test turns out positive. Some might require you to take a vaginal, oral, or rectal swab, while others might require a urine sample. While some tests detect one kind of disease, others will detect a wide array of bacterial and viral infections.

  1. Cholesterol Tests

In between the appointments with your healthcare provider, you can monitor your cholesterol level at home. Furthermore, the kit can give you results within a few minutes, which is incredibly convenient. Ideally, a standard cholesterol home test kit contains test strips and a lancet for drawing blood. Others come with an electronic meter, in which you can insert the test strip. You might wonder how reliable the cholesterol home kits are. Notably, that might vary depending on the kit maker, with some guaranteeing accuracy to the tune of 95%.

  1. At-Home Genetic Testing

The medical field has made huge milestones, so huge that you can take a genetic test from the comfort of your home. Once you take a genetic test, you can find changes in your genes, if any, that might increase your risk for particular health conditions. Some at-home genetic tests can provide detailed information on your family health history as well. Once you get an at-home genetic testing kit, you will find step-by-step instructions for collecting the sample. It could be a blood sample or saliva. After collecting the sample, you will need to send it to the vendor, who returns the results. If you don’t have a concrete medical background, you don’t have to worry about crunching all the medical jargon. Some companies have a health care provider who can break down the information for you.

  1. UTI Tests

A urinary tract infection affects your urinary tract. In most cases, UTIs are caused by bacteria, but fungi or viruses could also be culprits. However, your body gets rid of the bacteria before the problem escalates. In some cases, your body might not succeed, leading to a painful UTI. To confirm whether you have a UTI for sure, you can simply take a home test. A UTI home test works more or less like a pregnancy test. You just need to collect some urine in a clean container and dip the strip. In about one to two minutes, the results will be displayed on the kit’s chart.

  1. Allergy Tests

Have you been wondering whether you or your child is allergic to a particular substance? An at-home allergy test could be an easy and convenient way to find out. You can buy one online or from the nearest pharmacy. In most cases, the tests work by obtaining a blood sample using a finger prick.

The Bottom-Line

Convenience has become a top priority, and it is now almost possible to get everything without stepping out of your home. However, while you can find at-home tests for a wide range of health problems, it’s essential to visit a health professional. The professional can help you make sense of the at-home test or conduct further tests to render a final verdict.