Health & Fitness

Apart from Banana which other foods that have a high concentration of Potassium?

Are you suffering from a deficit of potassium? If yes, the platform is purely yours. The article is going to provide you with detailed insights regarding potassium.

When people lack potassium they tend to buy over the counter potassium supplements, this is not a bad idea, but it should be the last option. There are cheaper options in grocery stores; actually, some even have a high concentration of potassium than the supplements.

Apart from Banana which other foods that have a high concentration of Potassium?

Which foods are we talking about?

  1. Lima beans

Besides potassium, the beans have got a high concentration of iron and fiber. Therefore, it’s a three in one package. For easier cooking and easier digestion, soak them overnight. This makes them less gassy.

  1. Medium potatoes

These potatoes have low cholesterols, calories, and saturated fats. They can also provide you with vitamins B1, B3 and B6. You should know no matter the amount of potassium if you heap butter and sour cream on potassium enriched meals.

Try to make your potatoes healthier by stuffing them with broccoli and light cheddar. Also, you can use low-fat sour cream or low-fat cottage cheese.

  1. Prunes

It must be noted that prunes which are dried plums are heavily loaded with fiber. You use prunes with cheese, nuts, or yogurts. They richly contain sugar.

Mostly, makers add extra sugar to them; you should be cautious if you don’t need extra calories. It’s advisable to drink your prunes with 6 ounces of juice which also has a high percentage of potassium.

  1. Avocado

Many people happen to confuse avocado to vegetables. This is not the case; avocados are fruits. If they are not our portion, try a piece. It will give you a good dose of potassium coupled with Vitamin A, C, and E. Also, avocados are enriched with monounsaturated fats that lower cholesterol levels in the body.

  1. Sunflower seeds

Mostly, when you talk of these seeds, baseball players come to many minds, since they are one in many occasions are seen chewing them and spitting their shells out. Don’t worry about shells; you can get them shelled to avoid the messy of spitting.

They are one of the most natural snacks. You can also throw them on top of a salad for lunch. They have high levels of potassium, proteins and Vitamin B.

  1. Cooked spinach

Spinach is one of the meals that should not lack in your dining table. They not only enriched with potassium but also iron, magnesium, fiber, and Vitamin C. They have low calories, sugar, and fat. Cooked spinach can be served with various meals.

  1. Raisins

Raisins are the other foods that have a high content of potassium. If you don’t like sugary meals, this is not your meal then. The good thing with Raisins you can add them to various meals such as vegetable dishes, salads, snacks, and desserts.


You can see groceries are full of potassium, just use some few coins to purchase these products.