Health & Fitness

Exercises for Firm Buttocks in 10 days

Consistency is the key to having a well-rounded pert posterior. A few easy exercises, if done regularly, can start firming up your buttocks in just 10 days.

Exercises for Firm Buttocks in 10 days

Boring but a Must-Read for Firm Buttocks

You usually whizz past such text and jump to the exercises, but a minute invested here will be a wise decision. The buttock is sculpted by three muscles: the gluteus maximus, which draws the rounded shape, the gluteus medius, which emphasizes the side edges, and gluteus minimus houses the depth.

What we learn from this is that the gluteus minimus is the muscle which we need to target to curb the size of your buttocks. And for those who are happy with the size and wish to work more on the shape of their butt, Gluteus maximus and medius need to be worked upon.

Exercises for Firm Buttocks:

No time to exercise? We have the solution for you–the 10 Minute Solution! These are workouts that are just 10 minutes each.

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To Shape Your Buttocks

Work on maximus and medius to maintain the shape. You can do this by standing on one foot, lifting leg sideways as high as possible and then back down bringing legs together. When raising the alternate leg, twist slightly diagonally backwards. Do four sets of 15 scissors.

Flat Buttocks

Women with flat buttocks need to work your gluteus maximus. Lie on your back, knees bent and feet flat, stretch out your arms behind your head to the ground. Raise your pelvis as high as possible without taking the shoulders off the ground. Repeat this movement 15 times on 4 series.

To change, you can also bend down on all fours, elbows on the floor and raise one leg backwards to the sky and then back down on tiptoe. Alternate sets of each leg.

Remove “saddlebags”

The “real” saddlebag is a ball of hard fat and located on the underside of the buttocks. To stimulate the fat, you need to work the gluteus minimus and medius. Lying on your side, the head resting on the forearm, stretch out your legs one over the other to the ground. Then lift the top leg slowly and take as high as possible. After a series of 15 reps (then 30 when the exercise seems easier), change to the other side.

The ritual for good firm bottom

Massage with an oil or a slimming cream from bottom to top of buttock tissues to decongest and foster the “stock up”.

Reducing the Size of Buttocks

Here comes the main reason most women are looking for exercises for firm buttocks. For this, you need to concentrate only on the gluteus minimus. Here are some easy ways to curb the size of your behind:

  1. Squat 30 times in the morning and 30 in the evening and start seeing results in 10 days. Keep your back straight and feet firm on the ground.
  2. When sitting on a chair in the office or at home, keep your back straight and spread your legs as far as you can, or stretch one leg at a time.
  3. Water biking is a wonderful exercise to tone buttocks.
  4. Invest in a cycling equipment or simply go biking every evening without fail.
  5. Walk up and down the stairs on tiptoe.
  6. Squeeze your buttocks when walking and make it a point to do it every time you walk.