Health & Fitness

Can You Treat A UTI Without Antibiotics?

UTIs, known in full as urinary tract infections, are among the most common conditions that occur during a person’s lifetime. A UTI is an infection that affects parts of the urinary tract, like kidneys, ureters, bladders, and the urethra. More than 95% of UTIs are caused by bacteria. However, fungi can also cause urinary tract infections. This condition can affect anyone, but it is much more common among women than men.

Can You Treat A UTI Without Antibiotics?


Symptoms of UTIs can be painful and uncomfortable. The symptoms may differ from one person to another, but the most common are;

  • A burning sensation when urinating
  • Cloudy, dark, or concentrated urine with a strong odor
  • Frequent urination or a solid and persistent urge to urinate even after emptying your bladder
  • Pelvic pain
  • Blood in the urine
  • Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain

Home remedies for relieving UTI symptoms

Antibiotics are the most common treatment for UTIs. However, you can also try out the following home remedies to help with UTI symptoms;

Using a heating pad

Applying heat to your bladder or pelvic area can relieve UTI symptoms. It works by helping your muscles relax. A hot water bottle or warm washcloth will do the trick if you do not have a heating pad. While this is not a UTI treatment, it can help relieve the symptoms.

Increasing vitamin C intake

Research shows that increased vitamin C can protect against UTIs. It works by increasing urine acidity. The high acid levels kill off infection-causing bacteria in the urinary tract. Studies show that bacteria do not thrive in acidic conditions. Fruits and vegetables like red peppers, oranges, and grapefruits, are excellent sources of vitamin C.

Drinking a lot of water

Drinking plenty of water and fluids throughout the day can help flush out the bacteria from your system. The more water you take, the more you urinate, which helps clear the bacteria. Frequent urination also ensures that the bacteria are not growing in the bladder. Most people with UTIs avoid water because of the burning sensation they experience while urinating. However, failure to take enough water can make the condition worse. Water-based foods like watermelon, oranges, lettuce, and soups can also help.

Avoiding alcohol and sweetened drinks

Alcohol and added sugars worsen UTI symptoms. They do this by irritating your bladder, which makes it difficult for your bladder to heal. Nicotine, caffeine, spicy food, and carbonated drinks also worsen UTI infections.

Drinking unsweetened cranberry juice

Studies show that cranberry juice can decrease UTI symptoms. Cranberry works by inhibiting the growth and colonization of bacteria that cause UTIs. It primarily works well on E-coli, one of the most common bacteria in urinary tract infections. Therefore, people use cranberry juice as a UTI treatment and preventative measure. Note that unsweetened cranberry juice is more effective than the latter. Added sugars only make the infection worse. You can also try snacking on whole or dried cranberry fruit.

Consuming bearberry leaf

Bearberry leaf, also known as uva ursi, is a natural supplement. It contains a combination of bearberry leaf, dandelion root, and dandelion leaf. These products work together to decrease the recurrence and symptoms of UTIs. Other natural supplements include D-mannose, cranberry, and garlic extract.

Urinating frequently

If you have a UTI, the worst thing you could do is hold in your urine. The more you hold it in, the more the bacteria grows and multiplies. This could worsen the infection. Therefore, the trick is to urinate often to flush out the bacteria.


Healthy bathroom and hygiene habits can also help prevent and relieve UTI symptoms. For instance, do not hold urine for too long, pee after sexual intercourse to prevent the spread of bacteria, avoid using spermicides, and always wipe after using the toilet to remain dry and clean. If the symptoms persist or your infection keeps recurring, it would be wise to visit a doctor for UTI treatment.