Health & Fitness

9 Ways To Keep Your Family Hydrated This Summer

Summer is here, and what better time to create fun and joyful memories outdoors. It’s the perfect season for your family to enjoy the warm weather, play sports, grill some proteins, and have a backyard barbecue party. But, beware of the heat because summer also comes with danger when it comes to the possibilities of dehydration. 

Compensating enough fluids or foods that contain water will keep you and your loved ones safe, healthy, and hydrated. This blog post is intended to provide insights on how to stay hydrated this summer. With all the outdoor itineraries your family will attend to, make sure that everyone gets their daily dose of fluid requirements.

Here are some helpful ways to prevent family dehydration this warmer season:

9 Ways To Keep Your Family Hydrated This Summer

  • Drink Lots Of Water Anytime Of The Day 

This is the ultimate holy grail of staying hydrated. And, nothing else could ever replace this tip as it remains the most effective way to avoid dehydration.  

This summer, you should drink more water to stay hydrated. This could be an old but gold tip, so remind everyone in the household to keep drinking water, especially when outdoors. Some people try to follow the ‘eight cups of water daily’ requirement, but the truth of the matter is that you should hydrate as often as needed and as you want to. 

In some cases, people can’t finish the eight glasses, whereas, for some other people, more glasses of water are needed. Their bodies and daily activities influence such cases. Sweating and exercising, for example, will increase your water needs. Drinking water continually throughout the day is the easiest method of preventing dehydration. You can even use mobile apps these days to monitor counting how many glasses of water you’ve already consumed. 


  • Consider Drinks With Electrolytes 

If you’re going to be in the sun, an electrolyte-rich drink is another drink that’ll boost your performance. Your body absorbs fluids you consume, thanks to the electrolytes and carbohydrates. Therefore, they’re imperative to your diet. You or your kids might have played sports too long, so everybody has had a tremendous sweat-out session. But, be careful to replenish the electrolytes lost by drinking either coconut water or other drinks that contain electrolytes. However, ensure to read the label first as some electrolyte-rich drinks also have too much sugar.


  • Create Homemade Ice Pops 

Summer days are best enjoyed with cold treats. Imagine slurping on some icy sweet treats while playing with your family in the yard. It may not be the healthiest choice to go for commercially made ice creams available in the supermarkets, but one great alternative is to make your homemade ice pops. You can customize their sugar content, while making your family stay hydrated at the same time.  

You can check out some ice pops recipes online that are healthy, sweet, and effective for hydrating everyone in your household. People of all ages can enjoy these sweet treats. They’re usually easy to prepare, and you can save some stocks on your freezer so everyone can enjoy them anytime. 


  • Be Sure To Hydrate While Working Out 

The next thing to address is the topic of hydrating while exercising. Drinking more water and staying active are some of the steps to a healthier lifestyle. Even if it’s scorching outside, some people can never say NO to working out and exercising outdoors. But, always remind yourself to hydrate while exercising. Your body will lose all nutrients if your body runs low on water. So, bring a water bottle along with you if you decide to go to the gym or out in the streets for a quick run. 

9 Ways To Keep Your Family Hydrated This Summer

  • Include Fruits And Vegetables In Your Diet 

Don’t ignore the importance of fruits and veggies this summer. Some kids may not be huge fans of these nutritious foods, so you have to develop creative and diverse ways to include them in their diet. One way to do so is to create fruit or veggie juices that are refreshingly sweet. This will distract them from knowing what they are. You can opt for cucumber, watermelon, broccoli, orange, apples, bell peppers, and celery in terms of containing the most water. Your kids will enjoy their taste if you get creative with their preparations. 


  • Infuse Flavors Into Water 

Some people may not like to drink water because they feel that it’s too bland or doesn’t taste anything. Instead of replacing water with other beverages that may be deemed unhealthy, like soda or soft drinks, you can find a more exciting way to incorporate flavors into water. 

Infused water has lots of health benefits. If you know what kind of fruits or vegetables your child enjoys, then start with those flavors. Summer is a great time to drink citrus-infused water. You can choose from a variety of citrusy flavors. You can also add cucumber or mint for a more unique and refreshing taste. Let your creativity run free and ask your kids what flavors they’d like for their water. 


  • Avoid Alcohol  

In the heat of summer, a cold beer may seem appealing; however, alcohol shouldn’t be on your list of drinks to keep hydrated. Remind your family to avoid drinking alcohol this season, or if they insist on giving it a go, you can remind them to drink lots of water on the side. 


  • Rehydrate By Drinking Milk 

Your body needs fluids and electrolyte replenishment if you think you’re becoming dehydrated. If you’re sweating excessively, be sure to drink more fluids and be mindful of the electrolytes in your body. Consuming water-rich foods and beverages can assist in reaching this goal. 

And, as milk contains electrolytes, it may also serve as a good rehydration beverage. A study in 2015 assessing the effects of 13 drinks on hydration status determined milk comes close to maintaining fluid balance on par with oral rehydration, thus, demonstrating that milk is an excellent option.


  • Be Creative And Make Any Other Kinds Of Delectable Juices 

You can make drinking water fun even if your kids hate it. There are many beverage recipes that you can try. Put coconut water in your ice cube trays and add them to your next glass of water. Adding sweeteners to water is also an option. You can create different kinds of flavored juices using healthy ingredients. A little creativity goes a long way, so you’ll come up with the best drink to stay hydrated always.  


Keep hydrated this summer to avoid feeling the effects of the heat. No matter what you and your family plan on doing, whether you’ve booked a trip or hold an outdoor barbecue party, always keep everyone healthy by avoiding dehydration. Hopefully, with the diverse ways mentioned above, no one suffers from the lack of fluids this summer season.