Health & Fitness

5 Foods That Promote Better Sleep

Many foods have nutrients that can help you sleep better. In this guide, you’ll discover five foods that you can prepare whenever you need help falling asleep.

5 Foods That Promote Better Sleep

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Foods With Complex Carbs

Foods that have complex carbohydrates have many sugar molecules. Their structure is unique because the layouts form extended chains. These chains are found in the following foods

  • Vegetables
  • Beans
  • Grains
  • Peas

If you eat any of these foods, their carbohydrates will transform into glucose, which is basically energy. These carbs are very important as they boost serotonin and tryptophan levels. In order to fall asleep, the brain needs these chemicals. However, because complex carbs raise blood sugar levels, it’s best to consume them at least four hours before bedtime.

Mixed Nuts

Many nuts provide protein, fiber, and fat. When you crave them before bedtime, fill a bowl with the following nuts:

  • Almonds: Almonds will give you a dose of melatonin. Without melatonin you’ll stay awake at night.
  • Walnuts: Walnuts can improve your sleep quality by supplying ALA and regulating melatonin levels. If you eat a few walnuts two hours before bedtime, you’ll fall asleep easier.

While nuts are good for you and help you fall asleep, don’t eat too many of them before bed. They also contain a healthy dose of fat which can lead to weight gain.

A Cup of Hot Tea

There is a tea market that caters to people who have sleep-related problems. Some of these teas have strong properties that could eliminate ongoing symptoms that cause insomnia and anxiety. The top sleepy time teas are:

  • Valerian root tea
  • Chamomile tea
  • Lavender tea
  • Lemon balm tea

In order to benefit from a cup of sleepy time tea, you must prepare it correctly.  Drop a teabag in boiling water, and let it brew for two minutes. At this point, you can add milk to the pot. When the tea is done, let it rest for at least six minutes before consuming. Many people have a cup of tea while laying in bed and reading a good book or playing mind stimulating games. You can find some of those games by clicking here. Games that tax your cognitive abilities have been shown to help tire the brain and therefore fall asleep faster. Combine these with your favorite bedtime tea and you have a recipe for quality sleep.

A Glass of Warm Milk

Warm milk has two components that can help you sleep more peacefully. They’re available in whole milk, skim milk, and other varieties.

The first component is L-tryptophan; it’s the same chemical that’s found in turkey. L-tryptophan helps the brain generate a high level of serotonin. The serotonin isn’t produced immediately after you consume a glass of warm milk; it generates in the brain several hours later. When it activates, you’ll feel more relaxed as you try to fall asleep.

Melatonin is the second component. You’ll need it because the melatonin that your body generates gradually dissipates. When it depletes, you’ll wake up, and when you have a large supply, you’ll stay asleep longer.

Fresh Herbs

Fresh herbs that are used as treatments for sleep-related problems are commonly used as tea ingredients. When you need a sleep-inducer that can give your tea more flavor, spice it up with one of the following herbs:

  • Peppermint
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger
  • Lavender

Sleep-inducing foods won’t work on their own. In order to sleep well every night, you must rest on a comfortable bed. If your current mattress is very uncomfortable, you won’t experience these foods’ full effects. The process of upgrading a bed is easy as you can conveniently ship a bed in a box to your home.