Health & Fitness

20 Foods that Cause Bloating

20 Foods that Cause BloatingAbdominal bloating are caused by an accumulation of gas in the intestine causing intestinal distension accompanied by an increase in volume of the abdomen giving the impression of having a swollen belly. One of the reasons you feel bloated could be your habit of ordering sparkling water every time you dine. Bloating cause a feeling of fullness in the abdomen causing the need for gas emissions and not to mention the fact that your dream of having a flat stomach is washed away.

As a rule of thumb, you should avoid foods that contain air (aerated and drinks), foods that ferment and starchy foods. Too many fruits and vegetables should also be cut down making way for high-protein foods.

Here is a more or less, comprehensive list of foods you should avoid to relieve bloating:

1. All Dairy Products (except Cheese)

2. Soft Drinks and Sugary Juices

3. Alcoholic Drinks and Beer

4. Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts

5. Peppers

6. Beans and Legumes

7. Cucumbers

8. Artichokes

9. Eggplant

10. Spinach

11. Corn and Peas

12. Apples, Pears, Cherries Peaches and Prunes

13. Carrots, Radishes and Turnips

14. Garlic and Celery

15. Asparagus

16. Onions, Shallots and Leeks

17. Salsify

18. Potatoes

19. Fried Fast Food

20. Sauce-laden Pastas

In addition to avoiding these foods, you can also relieve bloating by:

. Eating Slowly.

. Breaking down large meals into several small meals.

. Avoiding chewing gum constantly.

. Eating a High Protein Diet.

. Substituting Sparkling Water with Still Water every time you feel thirsty.