Travel Escapes

Things To Know About EU Regulations On Delayed Flights

EU regulations are very exact when it comes to delayed flights. While there are different things that are questionable and that need to be analyzed with caution, the fundamental parts of the regulations are pretty easy to understand.

The best thing that you can do is to contact specialists to tell you the truth about EU regulation 261/2004 on delayed flights. A good example is Flightright, which has been dealing with EU regulations on delayed flights for a really long time now. You would easily be able to get accurate data about EC regulation 261/2004 and the rights that you have. This includes important information like the following.

Things To Know About EU Regulations On Delayed Flights

Indemnification Is Not Guaranteed When Missing The Flight Because Of Traffic Problems

When you go to the airport in your car, it is considered that the responsibility to reach the flight is yours. This is why you will not get indemnification for the missed flight. You are considered to be the cause of the missed flight, even if the traffic jam was not caused by you.

Compensation Is Possible When Technical Deficiencies Happen

An aircraft is very complex and technical issues can sometimes appear. This does not mean that you will receive a compensation for a cancelled or delayed flight due to a technical issue. The rights that you have depend on airline accountability for the deficiency responsible for the itinerary deficiency caused.

Let’s say that a plane is damaged by hitting a bird. This can lead to a cancellation or a delay but the airline will not be considered accountable. When this happens, there won’t be compensation coming your way.

A similar thing happens with the technical deficiencies caused by weather or manufacturing defect. However, if a deficiency is caused by faulty maintenance, compensation is in order. As an example, let’s say a cabin door cannot be closed or safety measures do not work when the departure check takes place. This could be due to maintenance lacks and airlines need to prove the opposite or will be held responsible.

To put it as simple as possible, when the airline could have prevented a technical problem but did not, you will get a compensation.

Non-European Citizens Can Obtain Indemnification

There is this common belief that under EU regulations, just European citizens can claim compensation. This is incorrect. The regulations are in place within Europe and include traveling from non-European countries to European countries as the services of a European airline are used. Nationality does not change anything in regards to compensation right. However, air travel with a carrier that is non-European or outside of Europe is not covered by EU261. There are other regulations that need to be considered.

Travel Insurance Does Not Automatically Protect You From Flight Cancellations

There is a big difference between cancelled flights due to the decision of the airline and flights that you cancel. In some cases, travel insurance will make it possible to recuperate expenses made for the trip, when you have to cancel because of circumstances that could not have been foreseen. As an example, when an accident happens or when a family member dies.

Travel insurance does not try to protect from flight cancellation. The expenses that appear when airlines cancel flights are covered by the EU261 fixed compensation. The expense recuperation and the fixed indemnification are both European rights accessible for every single passenger. Travel insurance is basically an extra service that covers the situation in which the booked flight is not taken, under some specific circumstances.

As you can see, flight compensation for cancelled and delayed flights is not simple. You need to be careful and know the rights you have. Always work with a compensation specialist to get the highest possible compensation.