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How Frequent Travel Affects Your Health

If you travel frequently, you probably have wondered if this could impact your health in any way. There are many things that happen to your health when you become a frequent traveler, and most of the effects are not clearly visible so you might think everything is normal. For people who travel frequently, you might have observed recurring colds, aches, pains, diarrhea, and sleeplessness. All these can have serious impact on your well-being, so it’s important to know how to prevent them.

How Frequent Travel Affects Your Health

For preventive measures, here are some of the things that happen to your health when you travel more frequently.

Jet Lag

The most obvious problem you get when you fly is jet lag. If you are a frequent traveler, you may observe that jet lag leads to more risk of loneliness, fatigue and stress. It can seriously affect the natural sleep and wake cycles of your body. Sleep deprivation is associated with a higher risk of suffering from GI issues and you could also increase susceptibility to cancer.

Exercise and diet

While traveling, you are also likely to fail to eat healthy or get enough time to exercise. Taking foods that are not healthy consistently exposes your body to a higher risk of contracting diseases and suffering different conditions. Failure to also get enough exercise will lead to challenges that could put you at a health risk. Sitting for many hours could cause cardiac arrest and lead to other lifestyle diseases that are caused by lack of activity. That’s why you should choose an airline like mango airlines, which offers you an option to take good meals so you are not fed junk all the time. If you can get some time to exercise after every flight, you should give it a shot as it will prevent some serious problems.

Drink fluids in plenty to aid digestion and stay healthy while traveling. Sufficient fluid intake is essential especially if you have vomiting or general dehydration that happens from flying. Dehydration has serious consequences if ignored, so while traveling ensure to carry water and other fluids that can help to keep you sufficiently hydrated.

Stagnant lymph

Your body’s lymphatic system is responsible for eliminating toxins and serves as an important component of your immune system. However, the system is passive and may require the body to be moved for it to effectively function. While traveling, most of the time you are seated and this could mean the functions of your lymphatic system are limited, which leads to stagnant lymph. While in the plane, when awake you should try to adjust your position after every 15 to 20 minutes. Sometimes you may need to squat on your seat or do a spinal twist, or even simple stretching.

You may have different reasons why you need to travel more frequently, but you need to understand that this may have adverse effects on your health. Traveling means most of the time you will be on the plane or in a vehicle, and this reduces your physical activity, which could result in different conditions like stagnant lymph. Try to stretch while on the plane and take lots of water to remain hydrated.