Travel Escapes

5 Essentials to Organize Before Taking a Trip

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You don’t want to be that one! You know, the one who never has anything organized. There are good, practical reasons for this, especially when you are going on a trip. There are plenty of things that can be very costly if you neglect to sort them out before departure. Here is a list of 5 of the most essential things to organize before actually departing.

5 Essentials to Organize Before Taking a Trip

Pack Your Bags

This seems like obvious advice, but it’s amazing how many of us leave this to the last minute. We don’t even need to physically pack the bag a long time in advance, this can crush some of our more delicate outfits. But you should look everything out at least a week before so you know if anything is lost or damaged giving you ample time to get a replacement. Also check you have tickets and passport ready to go, including checking the passport is not out of date.

Check Out Insurance

Be sure to have your travel insurance booked and chosen well in advance. It’s something we hopefully never have to use but it could be devastating if we don’t take the time to get the correct policy. Things to check are level of medical cover, is cancellation covered, are you flight operator or hotel going out of business covered, or lost luggage. It’s really to compare travel insurance between providers online these days and it not only shows the cheapest, but you can also compare features as well.

Car Rental

It’s important to look into car rental well ahead of schedule. It’s good to know that the type of vehicle you need is available, as they can book up very quickly. The closer you get to your travel dates it’s amazing how much the price of vehicle rental increases, it can end up being several times the price if you book at the last minute. So don’t get caught out.

Exchange Currency or Buy Currency Card

If you are traveling to another country you are going to have to consider how you are going to pay for things when there. It’s true these days that you can use your bank card pretty much worldwide, but this is not always the best as exchange rates and fees can be high, check with your bank first and let them know you are traveling so your cards don’t get stopped. You can use the traditional method of exchanging cash or even use a pre-paid currency card designed for your destination.

Book Day Trips etc.

If you are planning any day trips then it often pays to look to book online before you go. This offers you various advantages over just turning up on the day. You can get discounts for one, this needs very little explanation as savings are always welcome. At some places you can book times for entry or tours which can save a ton of time standing in line, and at the height of the season this can allow you to get much more into a day.