Work & Finance

What makes a successful business card?

A business card has the power to turn a new face into a new client, so you’ll want to make sure yours ticks all the right boxes.

But how do you go about making sure your business card truly represents you, your business, and your standout services? Read on for some helpful tips.

What makes a successful business card?

Steer clear of tradition

Not sticking to the traditional shape, size and colour of a business card is an excellent way to make yours stand out.

People find it easier to remember something unusual, and breaking away from tradition is an excellent way to do that.

Holographic cards, transparent cards, QR codes, rounded edges, vertical text, unusual cut-outs, interesting typography and illustrations are ways that your card can be a little different.

Your chosen logo and colour palette

A logo and colour scheme are essential to the identity of a brand. The golden arches of McDonald’s are easily identifiable because of their colour and shape. The same could be said for the Pepsi logo.

pepsi business card

These factors help customers identify a product or a business easily. With a little bit of creativity and originality, this is not hard to do. It will go a long way in you being able to connect with the public.

If your company already has these aspects sorted, they can form the foundation of the design of your business card.

Easily readable information details

Your name, business address, phone number and business email address should be completely visible on your business card. You’ll maintain better contact with your business associate if they find it easy to contact you. Being more accessible is always a plus in doing business.

Slogans and messaging

Clever catchphrases, pictures or even an interesting quote is a great way for people to understand what your business represents. High-quality business cards are essential to making your business, its products and services stand out positively.

It’s been said many times that you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. Presentation is one of the most important aspects of doing business. A business card is an excellent way to show your best self.

Putting your best foot forward will put you ahead of the pack. Finding clever and creative ways is going to make you stand out among all your competitors. This will help you be identifiable in the market and build a customer base more easily.