Work & Finance

Tips for Being More Productive When Working from Home

Working from home has saved many businesses and jobs since the pandemic began, and it offers many benefits to workers in different industries.

Tips for Being More Productive When Working from Home

However, if you’re new to home-based work or simply feel like you need to shake things up a bit to get more focused, it’s vital to consider how you might increase productivity when you’re not going into an office every day.

With many distractions that can get in the way, here are some tips to help you get more done at home today and in the future.

Set Up a Designated Work Area

Firstly, if you live with flatmates, family members, or friends, etc., ensure you have a designated area expressly set up for your work. You want somewhere you can shut the door on to block out noise and distractions, wherever possible, even if it’s just a small spare bedroom or an attic, etc.

Alternatively, if there isn’t a part of the property, you can make your own with four walls, at least utilize curtains or room dividers to give yourself some visual and mental separation from your housemates. Let people know the signal for when you’re working, so they don’t keep interrupting you, too.

Engage in Regular Decluttering

Many people waste multiple hours per week searching for necessary work items, such as documents, contact details, and all sorts of other things when they need them. Avoid getting yourself into this situation by engaging in regular decluttering so you can always lay your hands on what you’re looking for ASAP.

Papers and the like can quickly mount up and be overwhelming and distracting, as well as create a messy, disorganized space in your home. The neater you keep your work belongings, and the better you create filing systems and the like, the easier you should find it to be productive. It pays to scan papers and save them online, so you can throw out the physical pieces and save space, too.

Focus on One Task at a Time

While many of us think multitasking is the way to go when we’re busy with work, the reality is that we all tend to accomplish much more and complete tasks more proficiently when we focus on just one thing at a time. Get in the habit of picking a job you need to do and finishing it before getting up, having a break, or moving on to the next thing.

Plus, it helps to schedule blocks of hours or even days at a time where you’ll work on certain big projects or focus on a specific theme or tasks that relate in some other way. Your brain doesn’t have to switch speed as much when you do this, and you’re less likely to burn out or get distracted.

Engage in Daily Planning

It’s also vital to allocate some time to plan every day, no matter where you choose to work. At the start of the workday or the end of it, sit down and determine what needs completing in the next 24 hours and which tasks are the most important to achieve out of all the things on your list. This planning will help you stay on track throughout the day and avoid missing critical parts of your job. You should soon notice that your productivity levels increase nicely.

Schedule your days as part of this planning, and leave some time that isn’t locked into a particular activity so if you need extra time to complete something, you have it. However, don’t let your to-do list get out of control, as seeing row upon row of things you need to get done can be overwhelming and negatively affect your motivation.

Get the Temperature and Light Right

If you’re going to be more productive, you must have an area you like being in that provides the practical factors you need. Pay attention to the temperature in your home office and how much light you have to work by. You don’t want to freeze or sweat when you’re attempting to work, so invest in the necessary heating and cooling options. You might like to buy some quality hugger ceiling fans for low-profile roofs in your property or install reverse-cycle air conditioning or other appliances.

As for light, hopefully, you have some decent natural light to work by, such as that given out by windows or a skylight. If not, and for times when you work at night, you’ll need layered illumination for best productivity. For instance, you’ll want an overhead light or two, a floor lamp, and a desk lamp to utilize at different times of the day and for varying work needs.

To increase productivity, ensure you get enough exercise, eat healthily, and give yourself breaks during the day to recharge, too. Plus, get out of your pajamas and dress in work attire in the morning so you mentally feel more switched on.

Follow these tips over the coming weeks and you’re sure to soon notice a difference in how much you achieve when working from home.