Work & Finance

The Connection Between Success and Being Genuine

When you look at the world’s most successful business owners, you probably think their products and services made them a success. For example, Richard Branson built an empire with his Virgin brand, including a record label, an airline, and other businesses in the hospitality, financial, radio, and book industries.

While success does hinge on having a good product, that’s not the main driving force. In fact, if you look at the Virgin brand, you’ll find a hefty amount of genuine philanthropy at the core.

The Connection Between Success and Being Genuine

Unlike most corporations that exist to make a profit and do philanthropy on the side, Branson is a philanthropist at heart who chose to create some businesses. There are countless businesses with better products, but his brand is valued because of his generosity.

Products alone don’t generate success

There are countless failed products that, by all accounts, should have brought a company to the heights of success. Often, the problem is simply a market mismatch or poor management, but sometimes it’s the business owner’s way of being.

A person’s way of being has a direct impact on their business. For example, genuine, open, and curious people tend to hold more interest than self-important, robotic people who only talk about themselves. The greatest product in the world can’t make up for an unpalatable personality.

In business, personality is everything. Every potential vendor, partner, customer, and investor is more likely to respond positively to opportunities presented by a likeable person. What makes someone most likeable is their authenticity.

What do authentic people do differently?

Authentic people are easy to spot. They’re almost always in a good mood, they have a bright smile, and they’re interested in what you have to say. Genuine people are highly influential, and that’s how they get people on board with their visions.

Although looks shouldn’t matter in a perfect world, influential people know that others judge them on appearances. They make sure their smile remains their brightest asset by whitening their teeth, correcting receding gums, and taking good care of their body.

When you have a conversation with a genuine person, they’re more interested in your thoughts and ideas than they are in their own. They’re not going to judge you, and they aren’t critical of things that don’t matter.

Authenticity comes with the following important traits:


  • Commitment to a vision. Authentic people follow through on their vision because they believe in what they’re doing. They are committed to the projects they launch and will see them through no matter how things turn out.


  • Commitment to their word. Authentic people are their word. They follow through on their promises, commitments to others, and appointments without excuses.


  • Genuine curiosity about others. Everyone is waiting for a chance to share their thoughts and ideas. Authentic people are curious about others and interested in what they have to say.

All of these traits are the foundation for creating and running a successful business. You can’t possibly run a highly successful business for long without a strong commitment to your vision, commitment to your word, and a genuine curiosity about others.

These traits will help you build your team, recruit partners, and get investment capital. Some investors will throw money at startups that seem to have a decent idea. However, investors with big money don’t invest in a concept – they invest in the entrepreneur.

With the traits listed above, you’ll have an easier time getting people to invest in you – whether it’s with their time, resources, advice, or money.

Being genuinely interested in other people with a high level of transparency is one of the most overlooked ways to recruit people to help you in your business. Most people are so used to being used and taken for granted in business relationships, so when someone comes along who really cares about their thoughts, it’s a breath of fresh air that commands immediate respect.

Authenticity is the foundation for success

No matter how you define success, you’ll reach your goals faster and more thoroughly by being authentic. The best way to start expressing yourself is to take the attention away from yourself and put it on your vision, your goal, and the cause you stand for.

If you’re struggling to develop your authenticity, you’re not alone. It takes some deprogramming to get there. It’s a process that takes time and patience. While you’re on that journey, check out these quotes for some inspiration.