
How a Truck Accident Lawyer Can Help You in Unexpected Ways

The injuries from a truck accident can be extensive. In addition, victims may need to seek compensation from several sources, including the trucker, trucking company, truck manufacturer, and their insurance providers. Therefore, it is crucial for accident victims to protect their legal rights and get adequate compensation for their losses. Discover how a truck accident lawyer can help victims in unexpected ways.

How a Truck Accident Lawyer Can Help You in Unexpected Ways

What is the first step?

Victims should immediately seek medical attention after a truck accident to determine the extent of their injuries. Truck accidents can be severe, causing significant damages, including vehicle repair or replacement, lost wages, and medical care and treatment. It is also essential to call the polices, get the contact information for the truck driver and company, and gather any witness statements. In addition, photographs of the accident scene are helpful if the victim can capture a few on a smartphone.

How should victims report the accident?

Once victims seek medical attention, no-fault insurance information is shared to cover the expenses. The insurance companies and other parties often start asking questions about the accident and requesting formal statements. Before talking to anyone, the victim should consult with an experienced lawyer to protect their rights. An attorney can report the accident to the insurance companies and deal with the trucking company while victims get essential medical care and treatment for their injuries.

Who is liable for the accident?

Beyond ensuring coverage and compensation, a lawyer helps determine liability for the truck accident. The fault may fall on the driver, the company, or the truck manufacturer. In addition, the other parties are all looking out for their best interest and want to pay out as little as possible to the victim. With that in mind, it is in a victim’s best interest to have a lawyer on their side to perform an investigation of the events.

How much does it cost to hire a lawyer?

Often accident victims are concerned about the cost of hiring a lawyer. Fortunately, the initial consultation is usually free. However, if the lawyer takes the case, they do not get paid until a successful resolution. If the victim wins, the fee is a percentage of the recovery plus disbursements. As a result, the victims never have to pay out-of-pocket for legal representation.

What does a lawyer do?

Beyond filing statements and lawsuits, a lawyer handles many other aspects of a truck accident case. Lawyers perform independent investigations, file paperwork on time, and ensure the victim gets essential medical care. In addition, lawyers negotiate with insurance companies for the best possible results or file a lawsuit, if necessary. Plus, lawyers will appeal for the victims if the initial case is unsuccessful. An experienced lawyer is with the victims every step of the way to help them get the compensation they deserve.

Getting into a truck accident is a traumatizing event that can cause extensive injuries, damages, and losses. In addition, truck accidents cases are more complex than others because multiple parties and insurance companies are involved. Hiring a lawyer is the best way for victims to protect their legal rights and get the best possible results. Instead of dealing with the frustration lowball settlement offers, victims with a lawyer can get the rest and peace of mind they need to get better.