Work & Finance

Is a Career Coach Really Worth the Time and Money?

Are you new to the workforce? Perhaps you are determined that it is time for a career change? Or maybe you are just wanting help in determining what type of career you should be focusing your talents on? When this is the case, many people turn to a career coach. However, is a career coach is really worth the investment. Do they help you as much as people think? Or is this just a waste of money?

Is a Career Coach Really Worth the Time and Money?

Career Coaches Can Offer Benefits

For those who are stuck in their careers and looking to get out, career coaches can offer some benefit to those who are ready to listen to the person and follow the advice that they are giving. However, you have to be open to the advice in order for this to work. If you go into this situation thinking that you know it all and they will offer nothing of sustenance, then you probably won’t be happy with the results of working with a career coach. Have an open mind and remember they are the professional! Working with a career coach is the same as working with anyone who is meant to help you change, you have to be open to this!

What Does a Career Coach Do?

There are several tasks in that a career coach can help with. According to Career Confidential, a website that aims to help those who are looking for a career coach or looking to hire a career coach, these professionals help in numerous ways. For example:

–      Help you to create goals for the next month to three months for your career

–      Help in getting your job resume up to par and ready for a new career path

–    Guides you on how to make your social media more appealing, such as LinkedIn which is used by professionals throughout the world, ultimately resulting in an innovative digital transformation

–     Help to increase your networking skills

–   Teach you how to market yourself to potential employers to make yourself look better and increase your chances of getting hired

–     Hone your interview skills

–     Help you to transition from one career to the next

–     Establish what skills you have now that can be put into a new career

And much more! They are not only going to help you to transition into a new career, but they can help you to find a better opportunity in the career field that you are in.

When Should You Consider a Career Coach?

When is it time to consider working with a career coach? Should you do this every time you are looking for a new job or just when you are considering a career change? This is something that several people ask before they decide to work with one of these coaches. Here are a few signs that you need to be working with a career coach:

  1. When you are completely unhappy with your job. This does not mean that you should leave just because you have a few bad days. This is more or less speaking of those who dread going into work, who are suffering with nervous disorders like anxiety due to work, and who are completely unhappy day in and day out.
  2. You look at your job as one that brings in a paycheck and nothing else. According to Forbes in their article “7 Essentials for a Happy and Fulfilling Career”, you must have a healthy money relationship in which you are not just doing your job for the money, but are doing something that you love, while getting paid for doing this. If you are just staying for a paycheck, you are never going to be happy with the job.
  3. You are in a position in which you are not getting promoted or even getting a raise. In this type of situation, you are simply stuck where you are. This can be a huge factor as to why you are not happy in the situation in which you are in.
  4. You have forgotten what your true career goals were in life. When this happens it could be that you have become content with where you are rather than trying to branch out and find something that is truly what you want to do with your life.
  5. If you feel like you are not compensated for your efforts, if the employees benefit communication tools or to communication as a whole, show you are with a company that is not valuing you at all.
  6. If you are currently unemployed and finding that despite going to interviews and submitting applications, you are still unemployed, this shows that professional intervention may be needed to make yourself more employable.
  7. When you are going on interviews, you are bombing them. When this happens, it shows that you need some intense intervention for your interview skills, which is something that career coaches can provide!
  8. You need advice from someone who is impartial to you. While everyone has family and friends that they may lean on to discuss their career options, sometimes having a third party give their opinion and help you through this is better than what you will get from biased family/friends.
  9. If you find that despite having experience in a career that when you apply to other jobs you are not getting considered, this may show that there are issues with your resumes or even cover letters.
  10. You have tons of interests when it comes to a career, but are having trouble narrowing down what you want to do. A career coach can work with you to narrow down which of these interests are best for your skills and aptitude. Likewise, if you have no interests but know that the current position you are in doesn’t work, a career coach can help to expand your interests to match your personality.
  11. You are nervous about your professional future. A career coach can give you some insight into why you may be nervous and how to work around this so you feel more secure in your field and future.

Basically, whenever you have qualms about the current career you are in, then a career coach is going to be a logical step to take. In addition, if you are unemployed but  need to find a job, then a career coach is going to give your interview skills, paperwork and everything else a good look over to ensure that you are making yourself as appealing to potential employers as you can be.

Working with a Career Coach

For those who have decided to take the plunge and work with a career coach, be sure that you are working with someone that has your best interests at heart. Do not just work with someone who claims to be a career coach without having anything to back this up. Most career coaches are going to have a certification of some kind or they have experience in the business world that shows they know what to do to help others.

Some career coaches may even have degrees in psychology or a related field so that they can truly understand how a person may be thinking. With this being said, here are a few other tips to help you in working with a career coach so that you see positive results:

  1. Speak up when you have a problem or question. Working with a career coach means that you partner with them to find the answers. If you are not happy with something, say so, this is the only way that the career coach is going to get a good understanding of you.
  2. Be sure to interview coaches before deciding on one. You want someone who is going to fit in with your goals and ideals, and who is going to hold you accountable.
  3. Always do your homework before your sessions. Most career coaches meet with their clients in one hour sessions so that you can address various aspects over the course of a few weeks or months. Be sure to do the homework so that these sessions are helpful. This can mean implementing the changes they suggest or even coming with a list of questions you have to make the most of their time slot. Time is money!
  4. Be open and honest about everything that is happening. Be open to hearing what they have to say and honest about how these things are making you feel.
  5. Remember that this is going to take time. Career coaches are not going to spend one hour with you and have all the answers.

For those who are feeling trapped in their current career or who are looking to switch careers, working with a career coach is one way in which you can make sure that this change is going to align with your future goals. They can help you to make sure that you are prepared for any issues that may arise, while also ensuring that you are putting out your face as a viable candidate for the career of your choice.