Work & Finance

Dr Ryan Shelton of Zenith Labs Explores 5 Ways Women In Business Can Stay Healthy In Mind and Body

When you’re starting your own business, the to-do list is endless. You must find time for marketing, bookkeeping, product development, and much more. It’s easy to let your health fall by the wayside in favor of your work goals. However, this is a big mistake. To succeed, you need to be in good mental and physical health.

Dr Ryan Shelton of Zenith Labs Explores 5 Ways Women In Business Can Stay Healthy In Mind and Body

In today’s business world, women are under more pressure than ever to juggle work and home life while maintaining their health. It can be challenging to find time to take care of yourself when you’re busy taking care of everyone else, but it’s important to make your health a priority. That’s why we’ve asked Dr. Ryan Shelton Zenith Labs to share his top tips for staying healthy as a woman in business. Here are five ways women in business can stay healthy.


According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States. However, regular exercise can help reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition, exercise has several other benefits for women in business, including reducing stress levels, improving mental health, and boosting energy levels.

Furthermore, exercise can also help to improve sleep quality and reduce the risk of developing obesity. Given the many benefits of exercise, it is clear that staying active is essential for women in business. By incorporating exercise into their daily routine, women in business can stay healthy and minimize their risk of developing chronic health conditions.

Eat Healthily

Business women with work and taking care of their families often find it challenging to maintain a healthy diet. However, eating healthy is vital for women in business for several reasons. First, healthy food provides the energy needed to power through long work days and stay focused. Second, nutritious meals help to keep the immune system strong, keeping off sick days.

Eating healthy can help to improve mood and reduce stress levels. While it can be challenging to fit healthy eating into a busy schedule, some simple tips can make it easier. Planning by prepping meals or packing snacks and bringing them to work can help to ensure that there are always healthy options available. In addition, taking time for a leisurely meal or snack break instead of eating at one’s desk can help to prevent overeating and unhealthy snacking habits. By making small changes, women in business can easily incorporate healthy eating into their lives.

Get Enough Sleep

People need to get enough sleep every night to function properly during the day. This is especially true for women who are in business. Women in business need to think clearly and make quick decisions. They also need to have a lot of energy so that they can keep up with their hectic schedules. Getting enough sleep can help women in business stay healthy and thriving.

Women can do a few things to ensure they get enough sleep at night. It’s important to keep a good sleep schedule. Try going to bed every night at the same time, and try waking up at the same time every morning. This will help their bodies get into a regular sleep rhythm. Second, they should create a relaxing bedtime routine that includes things like reading or taking a warm bath. Finally, they should avoid caffeine and alcohol before bedtime. If women follow these tips, they will be more likely to get the restful sleep they need.

Take Breaks

As a businesswoman, it is essential to take breaks. This may seem counterintuitive – shouldn’t you be working all the time to get ahead? However, taking breaks can improve your productivity and creativity. When you take a break, it gives your mind a chance to rest and recharge. You come back feeling refreshed and ready to tackle whatever challenges come your way.

In addition, taking breaks can help to prevent burnout. You will eventually get physically and emotionally drained if you are always working. By taking breaks, you can avoid reaching that point of burnout and maintain your energy levels throughout the day. So next time you feel like you need to keep working, remember that taking a break might be the best thing for you.

See Your Doctor Regularly

Regular checkups with your doctor can help catch potential health problems early before they become serious. Make sure to schedule an annual physical exam and keep up with recommended screenings for things like breast cancer and cervical cancer. There are many important reasons a businesswoman should visit her doctor regularly. First and foremost, it is crucial to catch any potential health problems early.

Additionally, regular doctor visits can help prevent illnesses by keeping immunizations up-to-date and identifying any risk factors for disease. Making regular doctor appointments can help establish a relationship with a healthcare provider who can offer guidance and support in maintaining good health.   In conclusion, there are many important reasons for business women to see their doctor regularly.

Final Thoughts

According to Dr. Ryan Shelton of Zenith Labs, businesswomen can do many essential things to stay healthy. Eating healthy, getting enough sleep, taking breaks, and seeing their doctor regularly are all key ways to stay healthy in mind and body. Business women can easily incorporate these tips into their routine by making small changes in their daily lives and reap good health benefits. Making your health a priority will help you feel your best and perform professionally and personally at your highest level. By following these simple tips, women in business can improve their overall health and wellbeing.