Work & Finance

Do You Have the Soft Skills Needed to Start an Ecommerce Business?

Today’s workforce is the most educated in history.  However, there is a disparity between what college-educated workers offer and what the ecommerce industry needs. Some qualities simply can’t be taught in school.

These “soft skills” include adaptability, resourcefulness, creativity and communication. All of which are essential to owning and operating an ecommerce business. Which, of course, begs the question; do you have the soft skills needed to start an ecommerce business?

Do You Have the Soft Skills Needed to Start an Ecommerce Business?

If no, how do you build these chops for your professional life?

Let’s find out.

Resourcefulness & Adaptability

Small business entrepreneurs run into problems all the time, it’s just part of the territory. However, if you aren’t prepared to handle adversity and address challenges, ecommerce will become a nightmare for you. It’s imperative to identify issues before they become problems. Knowing when and where to look for help are important too.

This can come in the form of online resources, hired consultants, or new employees who offer the skills you lack. It’s okay to admit you don’t have all the answers. In fact, that introspective honesty will aid you in your business venture more than you might think.

Looking to develop your resourcefulness and adaptability? Try exercising critical thinking during moments of stress. Rather than reacting emotionally to a hardship, take a step back, breathe deeply, and list a number of opportunities to turn this moment into an opportunity.

It’s not an easy practice.

But the lessons will last you a lifetime.


Creativity means different things to different people. If you sell handmade crafts, artwork, or your photography, you probably consider yourself to be a creative person—and you are.

But artistic talent isn’t the only measure of creativity.

For instance, some ecommerce entrepreneurs are more creative with their marketing or problem solving. There are also people who have an eye for creativity. These folks can recognize an underappreciated product and turn it into a sensation. Maybe you can’t build a beautiful website from scratch, but you can absolutely pick the best premium website templates to speak to your brand.

The key to developing this soft skill will rely more on identifying your own creativity and allowing it to flourish. If you need a little encouragement, try watching some TED Talks on creativity.

People Skills

Ecommerce is a service industry. Sure, you won’t see your customers face to face as you would in a brick-and-mortar retail outlet. But communications coming through emails and social media are just as crucial – perhaps even more so, if you consider that digital conversations can sometimes be misconstrued. This is why e-store entrepreneurs must build their people skills and charisma.

In years past, customer complaints would run through a hotline or help desk. These days, consumers broadcast their grievances via social media, meaning your entire customer base could potentially watch you mishandle an angry shopper. With this in mind, you should always treat your shoppers with respect.

Don’t let emotions overtake your judgement.


Most small business ecommerce entrepreneurs wear more than one hat. In a single day, you might work as a customer service rep, a web designer and a digital marketer.

Speaking of digital marketing, it helps to have charisma. Believe it or not, this is a skill you can develop. It’s really all about understanding your audience.

Once you determine who your audience is and what they value, you can craft a brand identity to serve those desires. Nail this down and keep it consistent throughout your emails, newsletters, social media posts, web design, and the ilk. Customers will respond positively to this.

So, do you have the soft skills needed to start an eCommerce business? Even if the answer is no right now, you can hire them, partner with them, or develop them.