Beauty & Fashion

Natural Acne Treatment

The cause of acne is still somewhat debated. Some doctors claim that it is caused by a hormonal imbalance while others stick to the old theory that it is caused by sebum filled pours. No matter what causes acne there are natural remedies that seem to help clear up the problem. This article will highlight a few of these natural treatment methods.

Natural Acne Treatment Number 1- Detox Your Body

The liver is one of organs that can lead to oily skin and to acne. When the liver is not functioning properly it causes the skin to over-produce oil. This clogs pores and leads to break-outs. An improperly functioning liver can also lead to a hormonal balance problem which can also lead to acne break-outs. The best way to detox your liver is to change your diet. Eat fresh foods, fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, and drink lots of water. Eliminate junk food from your diet, and eliminate processed food. Try more whole foods, and more fiber.Natural Acne Treatment Number 2- Reduce Your Stress

Another possible cause of acne is stress. If you suffer from stress induced acne then you will notice that every time that your stress level increases your face breaks out. If you have this kind of acne then your natural remedy is to find a way to reduce your stress. This may include reducing your workload, meditating, exercising, or soaking in a hot tub. Use whatever works for you.

Natural Acne Treatment Number 3 – Keep Your Skin Clean

In addition to treating what is wrong with your body on the inside you also need to treat what is wrong with your skin on the outside. Keeping your skin clean can help reduce the severity of your breakouts. Use natural exfoliants like salt and sugar as a face scrub. You may also want to make sure that you have oil absorbent cloths on hand to periodically remove excess oil from your face throughout the day.Natural Acne Treatment Number 4 – Herbal Supplements

In addition to improving your diet and keeping your skin clean you may also want to add herbal supplements to your diet. Beetroot is one herb that is commonly used for acne treatment. You may also want to try herbs that help improve toxin removal, blood purity, and liver function. A word of caution should be noted here. If you take prescription medication make sure that the herbs you select won’t interact with them.

Natural Acne Treatment Number 5 – Water

Water is a great cleanser. It not only can be used externally to clean your skin, but it can also be taken internally to flush out impurities in your system. It is recommended that you drink about 8 glasses a day. This will keep your body clean, hydrated, and it will help to keep your hormones in balance. If you find it hard to drink this much plain water, consider making a green tea or a red tea. These teas will not only help you to hydrate your body, but they also contain valuable antioxidants.

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